Stand out as a Top Contributor

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Stand out as a Top Contributor

The Community Center is an online community where Hosts from around the world connect and support each other. 


We value every contribution Hosts make in the Community Center. Your experiences, the expertise you share, and the way you encourage one another make this community so special and valuable for all Hosts. 


Within this great community, we want to recognize a unique group who are always ready to share their unique perspectives  and support fellow Hosts. We call this group Top Contributors


Top Contributors have a positive impact through the Community Center. Airbnb selects them based on the helpfulness of information they share and the volume of their activity in the Community Center. 


Here are four ways we’ll acknowledge Top Contributors:


  • A Top Contributors label next to their Community Center profile 


  • Invitation to Host Preview Events when CEO Brian Chesky announces new products and services for Hosts 


  • Participation in private Early Access to be among the first to try new features 


  • One-of-a-kind gifts from the Airbnb Love Team 


*Example of Top Contributor label below:




Top Contributors are not just active and knowledgeable Hosts in the Community Center. They also represent the Airbnb Host community. As such, Hosts who don’t follow the Community Center Guidelines, or Airbnb Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Community Policies, including the Non Discrimination Policy, are not eligible to be part of this group. Moreover, if existing Top Contributors breach any of the above, they could also be removed from the group. 


Being part of the Top Contributors group is optional. We created this group to ensure that some of the most knowledgeable and active Hosts in this community are recognized. However, there is no obligation to participate in this group. Top Contributors will be reviewed and assessed every six months.



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22 Replies 22

I’d love to be a part of this group!

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Kris4287 Sorry but it is only open to those who have no friends and nothing better to do than spout their opinions on here! No seriously I am sure you will get there soon if you join in the CC.

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Had me chuckle there @Mike-And-Jane0😂 



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@Mike-And-Jane0  There are definitely some of those here!


It shouldn't just be how much someone contributes, but the quality of the contributions. 

There are some who respond to each and every post, with incomprehensible content. 

These titles are silly and meaningless. 

(not directed at you- I appreciate the quality of your contributions)

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Kia272 As Airbnb can't determine the veracity of reviews then there is surely no chance that the admins could determine quality of posts.

I understand, but if you can't judge who is contributing positively, and who is spewing out completely incomprehensible, misspelled, ungrammatical  nonsense, then why create these titles as achievements? 


I could respond to every post with the sentence "I want to become a top contributor" just to become a top contributor. 


It's completely meaningless. 



Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Kia272, the key aspect that determines being a Top Contributor is the accuracy and consistency of your responses here in the Community Center. As you may know, we read all comments here in the Community Center, and therefore we’ll do our best to review the majority of responses – for the sake of this program we won’t be counting poor responses, we’ll focus on information accuracy and helpfulness.



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Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Kris4287, happy to have you here with us! Please do stay tuned in on this topic as we share more about the programme in the upcoming weeks ❤️



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Top Contributor
Carrancas, Brazil

Oi @Quincy 

Recebi seu comunicado e confesso que fui pega de surpresa... uma boa surpresa!!

Fiquei muito feliz, tanto pela iniciativa da plataforma, como pelo reconhecimento.

Afinal, todos gostam de um carinho!!!

Ainda não entendi direito o que isso significa, na prática, mas vou descobrindo aos poucos.

Seguirei fazendo do jeito que sempre fui e fiz, usando principalmente da empatia, compartilhando um pedacinho da minha experiência e conhecimento, buscando ajudar nas dificuldades e dúvidas. 

Meus sinceros agradecimentos! 🙏🏻

Abraços a toda Comunidade!!!




Hi @Quincy

I received your communication and I confess I was taken by surprise... a good surprise!!!

I was very happy, both for the platform's initiative and for the recognition.

After all, everyone likes a little love!!!

I still don't really understand what this means in practice, but I'm finding out little by little.

I'll keep doing it the way I've always done it, mainly using empathy, sharing a little bit of my experience and knowledge, trying to help with difficulties and doubts.

My sincere thanks! 🙏🏻

Hugs to the whole community!!!


Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Olá @Denise583, parabéns mais uma vez por se ter tornado uma Top Contributor! Estamos muito contentes por a ter connosco ❤️




Hello Denise, congratulations again on becoming a Top Contributor! We are so happy to have you here with us ❤️



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Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia


The recognition is appreciated.  I find that the community can be a great place to share insight and experiences, but answers to most of the queries about policies and process are readily available.

I wish that I could have an automatic signature that says, "Don't just trust what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center".

Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Debra300, I appreciate you commenting here with such kind words! Regarding setting up a signature, this is a feature that is available on the Community Center (and you can use it too!). 


Simply go to Settings > click on Personal Information > you should now be able to see a blank box where you can put in the text for your signature! 


If you need help with setting this up, let me know and I will reach out to you via DM.


Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 12.45.34.png



Please follow the Community Guidelines // Volg de communityrichtlijnen

Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia

Thanks, @Quincy,.


This is the first post after making the signature update.  I think I need to find a way to have space between what I've written and where the signature is displayed.

Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Debra300 Would you like me to have a look at your signature and add spaces? Happy to help with this one 😍



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