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We’re excited to welcome an incredible group of Top Contributors and celebrate the positive impact they bring to our communit...
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Hello everyone,
We have reached that time again for the quarterly Superhost assessment, where we celebrate all of your hard work! This evaluation period started on the 1st of July and you’ll find out your status by July 14th.
Before doing this evaluation we updated some of the Superhost criteria so we can recognize exceptional hosts around the world, with all kinds of hosting styles. Read the blog post here.
As with every Superhhost assessment, we look back over your past year of hosting to review your performance, but there's no minimum tenure to become a Superhost.
Thanks to all of you for welcoming guests into your homes. We have a lot to celebrate as Superhosts are announced!
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
@Lizzie great updates but what about the glitches? Will we loose our status because of Airbnbs technical issues?
We recently had a glitch on our profile that pushed out of Superhost contention. The glitch showed us only reviewing 40% of all guests who have stayed at our home, when in fact we reviewed over 90%.
Call an Airbnb rep to sort it out. This is what we did and we are back on track.
@Steve-and-Annette0 this is the third time it is happening, and since we don't have representatives in my country it costs so much money to call every time it happens 🙂
@Steve-and-Annette0 wrote:We recently had a glitch on our profile that pushed out of Superhost contention. The glitch showed us only reviewing 40% of all guests who have stayed at our home, when in fact we reviewed over 90%.
Call an Airbnb rep to sort it out. This is what we did and we are back on track.
I notice that my review percentage is missing on the Opportunities tab. Clearly, they are still having some major issues with this simple math.
Hello @Ana1136, @Nutth0, @Susan151, @Steve-and-Annette0
I'm glad you have found this useful, thanks so much for your replies. 🙂
In terms of the drop in percentage for 'Trips reviewed by a guest', that was widely reported in the CC, this was fixed before the start of the evaluation period and as I understand this was a display issue rather than anything deeper and therefore this should not have impacted anything to do with your Superhost status.
To add though, and as Nutth says, the number of trips reviewed by a guest criteria for superhost status has now been updated, more information can be found in the Airbnb Updates article I mention above.
Hopefully this will help clarify a few things, but do let me know if you have further questions on how this works and I will try my best to help.
Ana, it sounds like you are referring to something slightly different. Would you mind opening a new topic to prevent confusion and we can discuss this more. Sorry if I've missed this.
Thanks again,
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
Hi Abnb suggested we started here! ,We just lost super host status didn't really get a straight answer Why ,aibnb said bad reviews maybe. (all our reviews are 5 stars) or and maybe "something has come up" ( what the heck ?)
and "maybe less reservations "
Positively we have less reservation in our second year ,even with Supe rHost Status! Why ? Easily we adhere to Airbnb suggestion of following Tourist and Accommodation codes for our Pueblo ,Plus we pay local and federal taxes in 2 countries
Now !Airbnb has accommodations similar to ours Listed renting for 50 % or less fees (over 40%booked) not paying 0 $to our town or country! Following our Department of Tourism and Safety guideline for safe and legal accommodating ,features like fence around pool, smoke detectors, CO 2 alarms,white towels ,wheelchair access . Many different permits plus lots of time quotes and research We estimate we paid over $5000 in fees and 10,000 in improvements to be compliance and hopefully safer. Thank you have a Good Day !
Almost finished, Airbnb says they are concern for us ! why would they not tell us why we lost status and give us a level playing field and
lines , They is no way we can compete on non holidays with no support from Airbnb
Lizzie, I too just lost my super host status. Couldn’t be more disappointed after years of having it. From what I can see it’s because limited bookings as I have 4.9-5.0 rating.
Could this possibly be because someone in my area has the same booking name as me? They copied me some time ago and I have asked for assistance from Airbnb.
When people who have stayed with me tell their friends so they can stay at mine, they can’t find my booking and come across the other Notting Hill Nest ( which by they way is not in Notting Hill )
It’s a shame all the hard work hosts put in to get dissed and let down.
Surely this could be fed back to someone about the stats for super host and maybe take in consideration the hard work it takes to get high ratings instead of quantity.... after all it’s about quality for the hosts.
I just lost my super host status as well.
Everything in my ratings is good except for my acceptance when people send requests.
We are asked/told to set up requirements such as minimum amount of nights a guest needs to stay, how much advance notice we need to make a booking, and other things like that.
Then we get dinged if we don’t except a guest because they want to book outside if the standards we have set?
We often bend over backwards to accommodate our guests, and if we choose not to host somebody I don’t think we should be penalized for that.
I often have people request to book with me that day, my rooms are set up with a 24 hour minimum notification. I often do except the short notice request, however I should not feel obligated to do so.
It is very disappointing to be a super host, and not to be recognized as one by Airbnb.
Thanks for changing the review policy. I think it makes more sense given that we can't control how many guests decide to leave reviews. I got my Superhost status today!
I just lost my status as superhost as well. Everything in my ratings is 5 stars. My guesthouse is 18 km out of the beaten path, in my case the mountain village Monte Verde, destination for most tourist from São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais.
PositIvely I had have less reservations last evaluation timeline even with Super Host status.
It is very disappointing to be a Super Host the last two years, and not to be recognized as one by Airbnb.
My "congratulations" email said this was my 4th time in a row, but that isn't correct. It should be 8. My April email said 7.
Aw that's a little strange @Robin129. Do you know if it should be 8 or 4, going by each time you have received it rather than what it says in the emails?
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.