Adding a listing - will it impact my original listing?

Level 2
Cleveland Heights, OH

Adding a listing - will it impact my original listing?

I've had a great listing for 5 years. I achieved Superhost each year and it is booked 90% of the time. I decided to convert a longterm

rental of mine to Airbnb and launched this month. It is getting some traction. However, my original listing has dropped to 16% occupancy! I am not getting any bookings. I dropped my daily minimum and any 2 night requirements. Is is possible by second listing impacted the algorithm and that is why I am not getting bookings? My reviews are all 5 star. The drop off happened right when introduced a second property. I appreciate any advice. Should I delete the new listing and create a different profile to market it??

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@At-Home-In-The-Heights0 the rules say that you are only allowed one account but I guess if there are two of you then you could have one account each but Airbnb will notice if you share phone numbers or email addresses.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



I do not know the answer to your question, but I have seen one or two other hosts post about a similar experience in the last few weeks, so there could be something odd going on with the algorithm.