Advice on whether or not professional photos are needed and should my cover photo be changed periodically to increase bookings.

Level 2
Alexandria, VA

Advice on whether or not professional photos are needed and should my cover photo be changed periodically to increase bookings.

Should I change my cover photo occasionally to increase bookings?  Also, I was told professional photos would be helpful to get more bookings.   I am open to any and all suggestions.  

5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
Bolton, MA

@Sue2110  Your listing is lovely and pro pics will really highlight how warm, cozy and inviting it is.  Some great pics of the lake and gardens would go a long way.


It's always good to refresh your pics periodically with new pics or seasonal pics.  Same for descriptions. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Sue2110 , what a great question! 


Have you had a chance to see what our experienced Host member @Karen114 has to say about your lovely listing photos? What do you think about it?


Another Host member @Andrea6232 has shared a comprehensive guide on How to best photograph your home with your smartphone  , thought to share it with you in case you were interested in having a read.
I'd also like to invite insightful Hosts from that thread  @Andrea6232 @John5097 @Ana2038 since they recommend how important it is for Hosts to maintain clear and attractive photos while setting up the listing.🌻



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Top Contributor
Bergamo, Italy

Ciao @Bhumika, just my 2 cents: your photos are beautiful but some appear blurry, have you uploaded the originals or a copy? @Sue2110 



Level 10
Santa Ana, CA

@Sue2110 , I try to change my cover photo every 6-9 months. Or every time I update my decor. I have a small guesthouse/studio so I only have one room that I really highlight and that is the bedroom. It’s different with a whole house listing. Clear pictures of the home and its beautiful surroundings are great. You also need pictures of the interior of the home that say “relax, you’ve arrived.”



Hi @Sue2110 

I always suggest professional photos be done and it is the number one thing Hosts can do to improve their listing. The cost is minimal as compared to the ROI and can be written off on taxes as a business expense in most cases.


Exterior twilight photos have proven to be an excellent choice as a cover photo. You have a fantastic location right on the lake. I would try to capture the exterior of the home looking towards the water at an angle at twilight. Turn on all the interior/exterior lights and it would be helpful to have some exterior string lights somewhere. If you get professional photos, most will include an exterior, twilight drone shot. That would make a killer cover photo.