Airbnb Categories - Why Not Cycling?

Level 2
Aurora, CO

Airbnb Categories - Why Not Cycling?


I like Airbnb's new category feature allowing more focused searching.  Would like to see a category added for cycling travelers. 

I'm aware of many folks searching for cycling friendly accommodations,  but are unable to easily filter and locate rentals meeting minimal requirements.

Here are the must have requirements for cycling travel:

-Bike storage (locked garage)


-Close access to bike trails/routes

Even better:

-Bike hooks in garage

-Maps/directions front rental to nearby bike trails/routes

-Area to wash bikes

-Recommendations for healthy food options.

15 Replies 15
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


I think your tips are great.  ABB doesn't have this filter butI am always encouraging Hosts that offer something special to use "Keywords" in their description and Guidebooks.

The ABB website attracts internet search engines.  Then the Internet Search Engines rank were you are displayed based on what "Keywords" are being searched for by the user.

Your ideas could really help someone promote they are a good cycling rental until ABB realizes it.