Airbnb Unlisted my property without any prior notice.

Level 1
Jaipur, India

Airbnb Unlisted my property without any prior notice.

I recently started hosting and it’s just been a month but 10-15 days ago my property got unlisted and there are were emails or messages from the Airbnb team. I’ve tried reaching out to them several times but they don’t seem to have an answer or a solution to this. They keep telling me that the “specific team” will reach o it to me in next 24hr’s but nothing happens and no one reaches out to me for days. I don’t know what to do this is a peak season for where I live and I’ve invested so much in this. Please help me understand how to get this sorted…

3 Replies 3
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hey @Arpita-Singh0, I raised this with the relevant team. I was wondering if you managed to get it resolved? Do keep us updated 😊.

Best wishes,



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 10
Bilthoven, Netherlands

Your place looks lovely, and you have excellent reviews. Keep calling Airbnb

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Did you have a recent guest complaint Airbnb have this horrible policy when guests raise 'safety' complaints - normally when hosts catch them out bringing in more people than have booked for example @Arpita-Singh0