
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Airbnb You Broke Our Heart and Our Business ...

Level 10
North Stonington, CT

Airbnb You Broke Our Heart and Our Business ...

Dear Airbnb, 

Regarding the overhaul of the Airbnb site into categories and removing control from hosts; I understand what you were going for but this should have been tested for usability by both hosts and travelers in the form of a ride-along widget to the existing legacy functionality of the site before a system-wide change.  Hopefully, you are reading these forums, hopefully, your CEO is reading these forums because Airbnb just f----- royally with the core of your product: your hosts.  My bookings since this change was implemented have ceased, visibility non-existent and from what I am reading this is affecting thousands if not millions of other hosts.


Brian Chesky, my name is Kim Grijalva and I am the face of Airbnb along with millions of other hosts. I hope you take the time to read and hear from us.  


When Covid hit, so many people stepped up and offered their places for workers and did their part to give back. In the midst of what was happening around the world, Airbnb rose to meteoric success with a product in the right place at the right time, but they didn't do it alone; it was on the backs of hard-working hosts like myself. But we loved Airbnb, great tools, great interface, insights... we made money, Airbnb made money and travelers had options — from a treehouse in Peru to a staycation weekend an hour from home and everything in between. It was a Win-Win-Win. 

My business pre covid was running a design and marketing firm, and my primary clientele were 5-star resorts: Four Seasons, Hyatt, St Regis, etc. As you know, the travel industry was decimated, all the mentioned hotel companies shuttered, and even Marriott, the biggest of the "Big" had massive layoffs. But people picked up and did what they had to to survive. For us, that was sinking everything we had to create a special place on an old farm and run it like I'd seen for 25 years among my core clientele in the travel industry. Airbnb was different; they gave "Small" a chance to compete with "Big." We hosts were doing what we loved, we had hit our stride, and we were not just surviving but thriving, enjoying what we were doing and meeting wonderful guests along the way. Connecting with people and creating the face of Airbnb.


We are stylists, photographers, marketers, and creative experience curators. But then Airbnb gets "Big," really big, and so it decides to feed that big ego, and like the hotel valet that parks the most expensive and sexiest sports car in the front of the hotel, Airbnb parked the best, sexiest of all listings front and center and we "Small" independent, hard-working hosts now relegated to the mire of stuff that was deemed not so special were floating around somewhere else, considered too dumb to be able to properly tag our listings with accurate locations or descriptions, our places went from wow to where? Our hearts were broken because we foolishly thought Airbnb was different from Amazon, Facebook, and Google. We thought Airbnb saw us as people that couldn't be replaced by Ai and that they knew that without us, they'd be nothing; that they'd created nothing tangible, nothing crafted, curated; not a single calloused hand. 0 product, 0 experiences, 0 heart, 0 loyalty. 

49 Replies 49
Level 1
Ontario, Canada

I haven't had a booking and don't come up in categories although they are waterfront


They show up in location but when waterfront filter is used properties hundreds of miles away show up.

I also miss the unique names.

Wish they'd unroll this update 🙁

Hopefully, the community forum is being read by people who can actually implement a fix for this. They keep referring to it as an update. It was not an update it was a complete overhaul and it's killing our business. 

Reach out to your community host leader, ask them directly to put you in top three categories. Make sure your first ten pictures convey those categories so if waterfront, that should be dominant feature and so on. Place key categories in your description: Waterfront 4 bedroom, 2 bath with Amazing Views, located in the Canadian Countryside etc. 

Level 3
Martin, SD

None of this comes as a surprise anymore. Airbnb, with its pretentious leader Brian Chesky, continues to thumb his nose at the hosts who are the backbone of Airbnb. Airbnb has lost its compass and no longer cares for its hosts. I have been dealing with their poor quality customer service on numerous ocassions and who could forget what happened to hosts with their so called "extenuating circumstances" policy which robbed hosts of millions of dollars for disregard of host cancelation policies? I have already minimized the number of months lead time for Airbnb guest to book my condos from 6 to 3 months and I am considering leaving the platform if Brian does not want to listen to the hosts. The hosts are what makes this platform viable. Without us, they have no platform. I am opening my condos on other platforms with longer booking lead times since Brian refuses to respect input from hosts. I have spoken to many condo owners in Maui and they tell me the best thing they ever did was to leave Airbnb's platform. 

Hi @Huma0 and all,


I have been reading your comments and working through them with our teams. We really appreciate all your feedback on the Categories and everything else that was part of our Summer release, and we'll share more with you when possible.





@Kimberly718 @Brian345 @Gillian166 @Anthony209 @Annie1372 @Ann72 @Chris517 @Laurelle3 @Diane1026 @Nancy1633 @Claire1270 @M199 @Tracey487 





"when possible" ...  Suggest sharing real updates ASAP as the press is already calling and the early reviews will not be so good. I personally have been contacted by CNBC and Skift Report. I have spoken directly with James G and while I appreciate knowing you are all working on things, time is of the essence here. Bring back the legacy site and change the category search to a sexy widget on the page versus the primary way to search. And give hosts the control over location and categories. Hire staff to review the accuracy of listings instead of relying on Ai. Based on these reviews, clearly, Ai has been a debacle and an insult to your product/host community.


We hosts have given Airbnb our time, passion, and amazing product which is not just rooms, beds, and amenities, we hosts are the face of Airbnb, the culture, and the connection to your market. Brian Chesky said in a recent interview that he wants to create a culture at Airbnb that is about human connection, yet he missed that Airbnb already had that with their hosts. Airbnb truly can be one of the best companies in the world, the ability to empower Small to compete with Big like no other in the travel industry. That is what makes the company great, not changing the game in how travelers search. 


Suggest creating a sister site that links from the main site or category widget, you can call it  "AirBNBeyond" for the OMG and Design listings, the out-of-the-box amazing places on earth. I love those and plan to go to several but that isn't what differentiates Airbnb. Build on what was working; the balance between Airbnb-Host-Traveler; a Win-Win-Win. Support your host community with real, honest, support and information. 


We want tangible and real answers, what is being addressed, how and when. We don't deserve anything less. 


Thank you for your time, 



Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada



Just to add to this discussion, though I doubt it will be heard,   consider how many of your "small backbone hosts"  who work their backsides off just to earn a small retirement stipend are suffering loss of vital income that may or may not put food on the table for a day, a week, a month.


Shame on Airbnb for not supporting their main suppliers.


For what it's  worth, last year we were 100% booked for our seasonal cottage, this year, about 65% and NOT one new booking since the upgrade in May.


As others have commented as well, we like other hosts are totally disheartened by Airbnb and once this season is done, we're done 100% with Airbnb, never to return.


Started awesome, excited, thrilled to be part of the "family".  No more.




Level 2
England, United Kingdom

I absolutely agree. These new changes have completely killed my bookings. ZERO.  Here on the Isle of Wight, I have a narrow season anyway (May to September) so bringing these changes in when they did has meant I will have no income this summer. I am going to change to VRBO. 
It’s such a pity as I liked the previous version of the Airbnb platform. I used to be a software programmer and I thought their software was easy to use, much easier than

Hi @M199,

I'm so sorry to hear that you're looking to leave Airbnb because you're unhappy with the May release. I've taken a look into this with our leadership team and they have let me know that you're in 3 different categories: Cabin, National Park and Lake. I have also shared your feedback with our Product team.

I do hope you decide to stay and many thanks for all you do,

Level 2
Vancouver, Canada



The AI in this release is not accurate.

The UX zooming out of map areas when changing categories is a cheap and annoying programming default. Software is only as good as the business rules it is built on. Apparently, according to the AirBnB help desk there is not a method for host to insert meta-data. Seriously? who signed off on the design? As an entertainment software professional, I’ve encountered a lot of talented people on this platform with suggestions that would be critical. 

Looking forward to changes. 




Hi Lynn,

We're always open to hearing suggestions from our community on how to make our platform better. Please share your feedback here and our team will look into it.




@Catherine-Powell  She just did provide feedback. I am providing some additional feedback below. 


@Lynn1338  I think the feedback you provided was valuable. I have noticed some changes but still overall bookings are way down. Amazing that Airbnb messed all of this up and then ask us to provided feedback over and over again suggesting fixes yet we hosts can't be trusted to accurately categorize our listing, yet we are rated on the accuracy of our listing. 


We are located in the Mystic CT area on a historic farm. My listing no longer shows up on the map within the Mystic area when you do a search but ones outside the area do which I think is odd. That said you have to zoom a lot. Categories should have been added as a compliment to the system that was working well up to May 11th. And also should have been BETA tested! Alas, hoping they can fix this. Here's my suggestion for what it's worth:


Search Scenario: Good UX/UI search should allow users to narrow their search using various paths not one that ends in frustration and seeing product outside their search


Option 1: (Farmstay) > (Mystic, CT) > (Dates) > (4 People) > (5-Star)


Option 2: (Mystic, CT) > (Dates) > (People) > (Farmstay) > (Dog-friendly)


Option 3: (Mystic, CT) > (Dates) >  (Historic Home) > (Kid-friendly)


Option 4: (Countryside) > (Mystic, CT) > (Week in September) > (4 People)


Option 5: (Luxury) > (Mystic, CT) > (Month) > (4 People)


All would showcase my home but the user went down different paths to get there which provided more opportunities for my home to be seen. Luxury should be relative, we have a luxury farm stay in a historic home in the countryside so I should be able to be seen in all of those categories. 

@Catherine-Powell I couldn’t agree more with the feedback left with some of the other hosts. We’ve been on AirBNB for over 2 years. My home has never received anything less than a 5 star review (67 - 5 star reviews) and we were always near full occupancy 2-3 months out. Then came this update and we are now having trouble getting any bookings at all. I went from averaging 18-20 future bookings down to 3 future bookings. We are Superhost, our listing follows every ABNB recommendation to ensure maximum visibility.  Still, we can’t seem to secure business at a rate anywhere near what we used to before the update. We have been forced to drastically reduce our price to compete and it is unsustainable. Making matters worst, back when business was good I made the decision to go all in and purchased another property with plans to feature as an ABNB Luxe. We’re days away from having it ready and I can no longer say that I have trust in ABNB’s platform to help property owners operate a profitable business. 

How many hosts actually like the new platform?  All I have heard and experienced are lower bookings and lack of visibility.

Level 2
Pipe Creek, TX

Prior to the platform update, our 2 tiny homes were 70-80% booked and the number of views that the homes were getting were in the range of 900-1700 per month. In our worst month pre update, we were averaging over 30 views a day! However, since the update, we are averaging 10 views a day (some days only 3-5) and our bookings have dropped significantly. In fact, our most popular listing has only 4 nights booked for the entire month of August!. We had planned on hosting an additional 3 tiny homes on our property, but now with the platform update, we are having trouble booking the 2 we have. We've read through the comments in this thread and it's obvious that many hosts are experiencing the same sad! We've had success on the platform so we are holding on to that hope that things will change. But, we can only hold on to that hope for so long. Hope doesn't pay the bills!