An inquiry by the guest

Level 3
Kampala, Uganda

An inquiry by the guest

Hello Fellow members  here especially my host counterparts,

Just need your kind response and advice here as i received an inquiry from one of my first very guest and then did responded and assured her that the days booked were very okay for me and i was ready to do the hosting but i did not get any response from this person and of course had no profile so it made me wonder may be it was not real

Wondering if any of you have encountered any challenge like mine and here need to know your experience on how you managed such a situation

Love to hear from you and wish you this great week as it comes to an end

My warmest regards to all members here and thanks for supporting our great platform

3 Replies 3
Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Ibrahim260 Some guests send out multiple inquiries and just follow through on one of them. Just ignore this and hopefully bookings will come soon.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Ibrahim260, thank you so much for sharing this in our community. This is an excellent opportunity to learn from the experiences of our Hosts 


Have you had a chance to read Mike's comment? I am also reaching out to @Bettye6@Debra300@Kitty-and-Creek0  and @Laurelle3 to see if they would like to share their opinions as well.





Please follow the Community Guidelines // Por favor consulta las Normas de la comunidad



@Mike-And-Jane0 said the right thing - not to worry. Welcome to the community!