Please help why i never receive booking?
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Please help why i never receive booking?
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Hello all:
We are intereseted in getting on board with this idea, but would like to know how we can find out the occupancy rates of AIRBnB's in our area, to determine whether or not it is a viable project. is there anywhere we can find this information?
You can start by doing a search on Airbnb of listings in your area that are comparable to the type of property you want to list. Other hosts may be able to provide some links to sites that have market analysis information.
Yes, i did that, wide range of prices, from 77-132 Euro, with no cuisine. But no host wants to divulge what their occupancy rate is. Went on line searches, averages only. I suppose it is just hit and miss in the long run as a start up.
AirDNA has a free analysis of that - you just enter the location and it gives you a few metrics. It isn’t in-depth without paying for their service but should give you a rough idea about the vacancy factors, etc. of a certain area.
You can also contact your local time tourism board and see if they have any footfall research you can buy @Sten993
However any figures in the current climate will be unreliable.
I would say only consider STR in the current climate if you can afford to underwrite all the costs of your investment if you don’t get the booking you expect/your area goes into lockdown
@Sten993 Past occupancy rates for individual hosts on Airbnb are seldom sound data, even when you're not accounting for the impact of the pandemic. A typical listing is not available 365 days a year; your area is going to include some hosts who only open their calendars part-time or seasonally, others who list on multiple platforms or switch to long-term tenancies for some periods of time. So far, we have no idea whether travel in 2021 will follow similar trends to this year, return to pre-Coronavirus levels, or take on a totally different trajectory. And STRs are always vulnerable to a shift in local laws that bans them or makes them untenable. It helps to familiarize yourself with how the topic is being discussed inside your district government.