Could you please help me get my new listing to the top ra...
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Could you please help me get my new listing to the top rank and attract more bookings? Also please share the feedback on m...
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I'm finding a black line through some of my available dates on my calendar. What does it mean?
@Mark3535 It usually means you have left a private comment against those dates to remind you of something.
Thanks Mike and Jane0. You're right; I did have a private comment there. But I had already deleted the comment and the black line stubbornly remains there. Any way you know of to get rid of it?
@Mark3535 no idea how to get rid but if I were you I would just ignore the black line. Black lines have never hurt anyone to my knowledge and should not be discriminated against.
Me again. I just figured it out. Originally, when I deleted the "private comment" I used the "delete" key on my Mac (which is the "backspace" key on a P.C.). Although it did make the text disappear, I guess it wasn't cleared properly. So I tried forward-deleting instead of backspace-deleting and it worked! How-to: I went back into the "private comment" field, despite it looking empty of any comments, put my cursor into the field, and forward-deleted (fn+delete on a Mac). Then I hit "save". All set. Black line all gone.
Any idea how I might do that on a PC?
Thank you worked for me
And by the way I agree that all black lines matter.
@Mark3535 From what I can see and just did, it means you didn't click on the edit pencil icon next to price and then same it, not sure but it seems to have gotten rid of black lines, thx