Calendar blocked entirely with no reason, no idea when airbnb will open it


Calendar blocked entirely with no reason, no idea when airbnb will open it

I have listed 11 properties on airbnb for 2 years, and i'm a superhost too. On 19th of Nov, 2023, I just checked my calendar then recognized that all my listing has been blocked entirely. I called airbnb support team immediately then answer was they would transfer my case to specialized team and wait them 13 hours (1st time call), but no response. I messaged them again, same answer but wait 24 hours, then no response while i tried to call and message many time later on.

Until now it has been almost 5 days but i still haven't get any response while whole properties blocked, that's totally stressful to me.

How can I solve this problem to reopen my calendar plz?

1 Best Answer

Thanks for the great help and timely support from Airbnb Customer Support and @Bhumika .  luckily my issue was get resolved. Thank you for your interest, following and supporting this article @Mike-And-Jane0   @Bhumika  

View Best Answer in original post

10 Replies 10
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Catherine-Powell Sadly another example of a Superhost not even being told why they have been suspended after 5 days (and counting). Surely there can be no excuse for not even explaining why a host has been suspended.

@Anh-Thư2 All you can do is hope @Bhumika can persuade the safety team to start talking to you ASAP.

@Mike-And-Jane0 thanks for your advice. @Bhumika Hope to be resolved soon

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Anh-Thư2 , I am sorry to hear you've been facing issues with the listings. Just had a quick look on your profile and noticed the same. I've gone ahead and shared your concerns with the team that can have a good look at the instance and get back to you once they have an update to share.


On a side note, did you happen to come across any guest situation/concerns or violation of ground rules by Hosts that may have unfortunately led to this outcome?

Hope the Support team can reach out to you as soon as possible after referring to the details related to your case🌻.

Thank you @Mike-And-Jane0 for tagging me here🙂!




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Hi @Bhumika 

Thank you so much for your quick response. 

I didn't break/violate any rule by Hosts and Also I didn't face any problems with guests in my apartments please. :'(

I'm looking forward to getting response from Support team and thank you for helping me.

Best regards,

Anh Thu

Thanks for the great help and timely support from Airbnb Customer Support and @Bhumika .  luckily my issue was get resolved. Thank you for your interest, following and supporting this article @Mike-And-Jane0   @Bhumika  

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Anh-Thư2 did you discover what the problem was?

@Mike-And-Jane0 I still don't know the reason yet and I'm still looking forward to hearing from them. If I know the reason I will definitely not let this problem happen again and will share my case to our community

Level 10
Bilthoven, Netherlands

I wWould love to hear what caused the problem. I might learn something from it, in case it would happen to me.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

That is such a good news @Anh-Thư2 !! Thank you so much for kindly coming back and updating us. Keep in touch! 🌻




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Hello!  I have unfortunately run into a similar issue that I am trying to resolve.  

We are long time super-hosts with two listings.  All the open dates on our calendar were blocked without any communication from Airbnb.  When I called to find out what is going on they refused to give me any information, and said I’d have to wait for a special team that is conducting an investigation to contact me.  They refused to give any estimate on how long this might take.  

We would like to be proactive and take steps to correct this issue as soon as possible.  


@Bhumika, please help?