Cancellation Information REQUIRED for many US or NYC Grants or Loans
I am researching ways to survive this drastic change in travel due to the virus. Many of the grants or loans require to show the lost income. AIrbnb removes all trace of the original booking amount. I am only renting a private room or my home so I never ran a separate record of of airbnb, okay now I know that is an error. Anyone have a clue where to find this information?
I did write Airbnb CR requesting it. But I do feel that it should be left in the original booking for reference.
Thank you for the suggestion. I did that and discovered I deleted a few for some unknown reason. Fortunately Airbnb supplied me the information I asked for within 2 hours.
I do feel if we are partners, the hosts and Airbnb, the complete record of a guests transactions via the platform should be available to us both. It will be important for those who want to double check the refund checks that are being sent too.