Change in Host

Level 1
Edwardsville, IL

Change in Host

My property is having a change in Hosts.  Current Host is no longer managing Rentals.  Is there anyway the property can maintain the reviews/ratings?

4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Not clear from your post if you have just bought the property or are changing cohosts bookings ratings and reviews ate not transferable @Gene1299 

The host is changing.  Not the property or the owner, me

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

As the owner you are the host and the person managing it is your cohost . @Gene1299 

Unfortunately sounds like you've been using an unscrupulous cohost who put your listing under their profile and gave  you no access to the listing . Because of this you will lose all your reviews and ratings .


work with a cohost going forward that helps you set the listing up in your name and is added as your cohost. 


As @Helen3 says, if the original Co Host setup the listing under their name and you were only listed as a Co Host, you will lose all the reviews for the property and will have to create a new listing and start from scratch. Your profile says "Guest" so I'm guessing you were not setup as Listing Owner on Airbnb. Reviews stay attached to whomever is named as Listing Owner. Many Hosts are not aware of this and don't understand the consequences if you need to terminate the arrangement with whomever is managing the property.


For this reason, always ensure you are named as listing owner. NEVER allow a Co Host or property managment company to be named as "owner" on your listing. The correct way to setup the listing (IMHO), is to always be named as listing owner. Then you can add a Co Host to the listing. After the Co Host is added, they can be named as "Primary Host" and appear as "Host" to guests. You will appear as Co Host to guests, but the account will still show you as Listing Owner. 


Most property managment companies will always insist as being named as Listing Owner with you as Co Host...they want to keep all the reviews if your arrangement doesn't work out. I always recommend a written contract between Owner and Co Host and always ensure there is a non-performance clause for termination of contract and name what the specific criteria is for "non-performance".


What Co Hosts Can Do


On the Listing Editor under the Co Hosts card on the left side, it should appear like this - your name should show as Listing Owner. If it doesn't, then you will not keep the reviews and will have to start over with a new listing. 

