Hi Everyone,I’m a Superhost in Palm Springs and have always ...
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Hi Everyone,I’m a Superhost in Palm Springs and have always taken pride in my listing—The Adler—which has over 60 five-star r...
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Hi all,
Has anyone else experienced issues with the property ID link method for sharing check-in instructions? This method, as described in this thread [link to https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Ask-about-your-listing/Check-in-instructions-shortcut-from-messa...], seems to have stopped working.
One of our guests recently couldn't find the apartment because the link wasn't working for them. I tested it myself and confirmed that it's no longer directing to the check-in instructions. I also asked a subsequent guest, and they verified that the link doesn't work for them either.
This is a major issue, as it makes it much harder to provide clear and accessible check-in information to guests. The best solution would be a dedicated shortcut button for check-in instructions, similar to the one we have for checkout instructions (as suggested here: [link to https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Ask-about-your-listing/Check-in-instructions-shortcut-from-messa...]).
Please let me know if you're experiencing the same problem. Hopefully, by bringing this to Airbnb's attention, we can get this issue resolved quickly.
Rudolf from Budapest
Answered! Go to Top Answer
Yes...another Host mentioned this (@Jamie1360) and I checked and also discovered it's not working. Yes...it appears Airbnb has changed the link string and now they attach it to the reservation ID. Looks like they changed it about 2 days ago and they also reduced the characters on messages to 3,000 characters - this is causing issues for Hosts who had used a message to send all the check-in instructions. Now the Hosts need to send multiple messages to to Guests. As far as I know, Airbnb did not notify Hosts of these changes.
Most Hosts just create a document with photos and put on DropBox or Google Docs. Then put the link in a message to the guest. At first it appeared the link wouldn't work, but once the message was actually sent to the guest (Scheduled Message) the link was active and worked just fine.
Trips Tab
You can also remind guests they can find your photos and check-in instructions by going to their Trips Tab, click the photo of the listing. Then scroll down to Checking In/How to Get Inside. The problem is most don't know to click the photo of the listing and never see all the info that appears after clicking it! Airbnb should add a callout to the listing photo:
"Click the photo below to see all the information about your stay."
Also, their Help Article for guests points them to the wrong place - it says click "Things to Know" when it actually is under Checking In/How to Get Inside:
Where to Find Your Check-In Instructions
Checking In
How to Get Inside
Guests will see your Check-in Photos and Instructions you added to your arrival Guide 48hrs prior to checkin:
Since this will affect many Hosts, perhaps one of the moderators can forward this issue to the appropriate team at Airbnb? At least the Help article should be updated to point Guests to the correct place in the App where they can find information on how to Check-in.
Buongiorno @Rudolf103 ,
You're right! Guests do have trouble finding check-in instructions on the Airbnb app.
It just happened to me with the latest guests.
I also think the best solution is a dedicated shortcut button 😉
Yes...another Host mentioned this (@Jamie1360) and I checked and also discovered it's not working. Yes...it appears Airbnb has changed the link string and now they attach it to the reservation ID. Looks like they changed it about 2 days ago and they also reduced the characters on messages to 3,000 characters - this is causing issues for Hosts who had used a message to send all the check-in instructions. Now the Hosts need to send multiple messages to to Guests. As far as I know, Airbnb did not notify Hosts of these changes.
Most Hosts just create a document with photos and put on DropBox or Google Docs. Then put the link in a message to the guest. At first it appeared the link wouldn't work, but once the message was actually sent to the guest (Scheduled Message) the link was active and worked just fine.
Trips Tab
You can also remind guests they can find your photos and check-in instructions by going to their Trips Tab, click the photo of the listing. Then scroll down to Checking In/How to Get Inside. The problem is most don't know to click the photo of the listing and never see all the info that appears after clicking it! Airbnb should add a callout to the listing photo:
"Click the photo below to see all the information about your stay."
Also, their Help Article for guests points them to the wrong place - it says click "Things to Know" when it actually is under Checking In/How to Get Inside:
Where to Find Your Check-In Instructions
Checking In
How to Get Inside
Guests will see your Check-in Photos and Instructions you added to your arrival Guide 48hrs prior to checkin:
Since this will affect many Hosts, perhaps one of the moderators can forward this issue to the appropriate team at Airbnb? At least the Help article should be updated to point Guests to the correct place in the App where they can find information on how to Check-in.
Hi @Rudolf103 , thank you for starting this conversation!
Thank you so much @Joan2709 for super clear instructions and sharing about the help centre article as well. I'll share this feedback with the concerned teams 🌻
Edit : tagging @Zheng49 as well!
Kind regards,
Hi @Bhumika ,
Thank you for acknowledging this issue and for forwarding the feedback to the relevant teams! To summarize the key points for the developers:
Property ID link method broken: The previous method of creating a direct link to check-in instructions using the property ID is no longer working.
Character limit in messages: The reduced character limit in messages is forcing hosts to send multiple messages to guests, which can be inconvenient.
Inaccurate Help article: The Help article for guests on finding check-in instructions points them to the wrong location in the app.
Proposed solutions:
Hopefully, these points will help the developers prioritize and address these issues effectively.
Thanks again for your assistance!
@Rudolf103, @Zheng49 , @Jamie1360 , @Bhumika
Here is a screen shot of what appears to a guest under their Trips Tab in the App. Guests simply don't understand they need to click the listing photo in order to see all the details about their stay. This includes the Check-in/How to Get Inside info:
Once they click the photo fo the listing in the Trips Tab, they need to scroll down to the Checking In section then How to Get Inside.
@Rudolf103, @Zheng49 , @Bhumika , @Andrea6232 , @Rebecca
So it looks like Airbnb has at least updated the Help Article to the correct place to find check-in information, but they failed to add the guest needs to tap the listing photo!!!:
Where to Find Your Check-In Instructions
Can't tell you how many times I have come to the CC for answers and found some great ideas here from other Hosts.
It's at least good to see that Airbnb is taking action and updating the Help article. Hopefully, they'll also address the shortcut button soon. Thanks for keeping us updated, @Joan2709 !
Thank you @Joan2709
I feel like this change is great, and should reduce the number of guests who still can't find the check-in instructions.
Hi @Joan2709 ,
Thank you so much for the detailed explanation and for confirming the issue! It's incredibly helpful to know that Airbnb has changed the link structure and that this is affecting other hosts as well. Thanks to your information, I can now guide my guests to the correct location in the app to find the check-in instructions. Hopefully, Airbnb will address this soon and provide a more user-friendly solution. 🙏
Yes, the direct link to check-in instructions is handy.
Is there a way to reconstruct the direct link now still through alternative means?
I have tried directing guests to this article, http://www.airbnb.ca/help/article/100 but not all of them can find the check-in instructions still. I guess the article is still not clear enough for everyone.
A direct link makes it so just about 100% of my guests can find my check-in instructions. Please bring this functionality back.
@Bhumika , @Quincy @Alex @Emilie , @Rebecca
Yes, the Help Article actually directs them to the wrong place in the Trips Tab....sigh.
I'm trying to find out how to create a new link. It would be so much more helpful if Airbnb just created a short code that connects to the Checkin photos/instructions. Then Hosts could just add that to their check-in message.
I contacted Airbnb Support about the broken property ID link method and the other problems we've been discussing. They acknowledged the issue and suggested using the feedback form to report it directly to the developers.
While it's good that they're aware of the problem, I think it's important for as many of us as possible to submit feedback to emphasize the urgency and impact of this issue.
Here's the link to the feedback form: https://www.airbnb.com/help/feedback
When filling out the form, please mention the key points raised in this forum post: [permalink to https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Ask-about-your-listing/Check-in-Instructions-Link-Not-Working-Pr...]
Hopefully, if enough of us submit feedback, Airbnb will prioritize fixing this issue and implementing a more user-friendly solution for sharing check-in instructions.
Thanks everyone for your input and support!