Check in instructions shortcut from messages.


Check in instructions shortcut from messages.

Airbnb has an excellent check in feature with step by step description and picture. The problem is that feature is not used by all guests. 
I wish there was a shortcut from messages to send to arriving guests so they can click on it and it could guide them step by step. 

like they did for check out - but we need one for check in. 

Top Answer

Hi  All @Bettye6 , @Emma3331 , @Bhumika , 


The check-in instructions for guests can only be added via the app (not a desktop). You'll need to have your photos ready to go on your phone. Most guests don't see the instructions, as they are  under their "Trips" Tab, "Show More Trip Details".  To setup, go to App/Listing scroll towards the bottom; Checkin Instructions.


However, you actually can create a link to the checkin instructions (kinda a work-around) and send to them in a message. I can't take credit for figuring this one out 😊...saw it on YouTube. Here is how to setup the link:


Just add your property ID at the end (of course be sure you have it setup on the app 😊. Then paste the link in a message and it will take them right to your checkin instructions on the app (be sure to test it first 😃).


Let us know if it works for you!


Checkin Instructions.png


View Top Answer in original post

22 Replies 22

@Joan2709 thank you so much.

This has been working for me for the past few weeks, but I tested the link again today for all my listings and the link diverts me back to the airbnb trips page. Is this because I don't have an active reservation for the listing? Or have they somehow deactivated the link?

@Jamie1360 appears Airbnb has changed the link string and now they attach it to the reservation ID. 


Most just create a document with photos and put on DropBox or Google Docs. Then put the link in a message to the guest. At first it appeared the link wouldn't work, but once the message was actually sent to the guest (Scheduled Message) the link was active and worked just fine.


You can also remind guests to go to their Trips Tab and click the photo of the listing. Then scroll down to: 


Checking In 

How to Get Inside


They will see your Check-in Photos and Instructions 48hrs prior to checkin



Hi all,

Has anyone else experienced issues with the property ID link method for sharing check-in instructions? It seems to have stopped working.

I've created a new forum post to gather more information and hopefully get this resolved: [link to]. Please share your experiences there!


Level 10
Bilthoven, Netherlands

@Cristina--And-Cody-0 @Joan2709 @Bettye6 @Emma3331 
I have a standard document that I send via whatsapp
I also use whatsapp to give touristical info

I don't offer anything other than the Self-Check-in Instructions which all guests have access to. 


Under Check-In-Method I selected "other" I then have it say-Guests will be using the App Integrated Self-Check-In Instructions, contact Airbnb Support if you need help locating them. 


I found if I simply put my lockbox code guests used the code and never attempted to find the actual Self-Check-In Instructions. 


I am a very hands off host. I still maintain 5 stars with my direct approach of directing all guests to contact Airbnb Support if they can't navigate the platform. 


I can't spend time offering different ways for guests to receive information. By creating links, PDFs, emailing, sending messages pertaining to guests requests for check-in instructions Airbnb will never truly know how hard guests struggle to find instructions. 


I want my guests contacting Airbnb if they can't find instructions. That's how Apps get better. 

YES, YES and YES!!! I wish does AirBnB see this! I have check in and check out instructions in several spots and still have guests that don't see it, reaching out to me as to where to park, etc. 

Actually I feel that I lot of great features get hidden like as my Guidebook. I could easily say over 90% of users don't know it exists and even where to find it. Guests I talk to say they hardly if ever read a hosts profile, most focus on reviews as they feel that gives them them most information think that a 4.65 is still a good thing for hosts. AsI host I do review the bio on guest but find the paltry at best,

I also have toggled that I want all names of guest though rarely that occurs plus some are "verified" put have np picture. Frustarting for sure.


Level 3
Budapest, Hungary

I hope Airbnb support is reading this. 🙏

I'm encountering the same issue with guests not reading the check-in instructions, leading to troubles and bad reviews. The link workaround provided here works, but a shortcode button in messages, like the checkout instructions, would be much better (screenshots attached).

This also applies to the house manual, for which I unfortunately didn't found a similar URL workaround.

Screenshot 2024-06-14 21.51.04.pngScreenshot 2024-06-14 21.49.56.png

Thank you.
