Check in time - shows earlier for guest, than in Setting

Check in time - shows earlier for guest, than in Setting



Yesterday I had a guest check in and she said her account shows that check in is at 2 - even though my settings are 4 pm 


I reached out to an “ambassador” and they said - it’s cause of “time difference” which is absurd - because time difference can be 9 am check in? 
pictures show a print screen of what the guest sees and what my settings are. 

10 Replies 10
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Thanks for flagging this. Another host posted recently about some sort of similar confusion about check in times. So, this seems to be new...


This is bad news. The check in window is either from 2pm or 4pm, not both, and guests should not be given an option to check in two hours before you have specified. Of course, the CS response you got is nonsense, as it being about time differences makes absolutely no sense.


If this is indeed a new function that Airbnb has introduced, they need to remove it pronto!

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hello @Cristina--And-Cody-0 @Huma0 ,


I have shared this with the technical team if we need any clarification on this. I will keep you posted in case I receive any updates.


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Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hello @Cristina--And-Cody-0 @Huma0 ,


I wanted to come back and tell you that the technical team has acknowledged this, and potentially it might be a bug. They are investigating it. 

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Must be a bug and I hope it gets fixed quickly.  


It happened to us this morning.  A guest made a same day booking and her booking said she would check in between 9 and 11 am.  Our check in time is clearly shown as 4 pm.  The guest said she was offered the option to choose her check in time and decided earlier is better.  Our check out time is 11 which makes a check in between 9 and 11 impossible.


The guest was not happy as, in her opinion, we offered her the option to choose a check in time.  We worked it out but this needs to get fixed asap.


Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

yes, I continue to get guests telling me what time they want to check in, of course it's earlier than standard check-in time. So the prompt isn't "tell the host when you arriving" it must be something else. 

Level 10
Rawai, Thailand



The times are local times, 


I have seen where host have a booking and the guest is requesting a certain check in time like it's something new on the platform, I haven't seen it yet myself, 


Thank you @Bhumika for addressing this!


The ambassador wrote this back:

You have the option not to offer an earlier check-in by not accepting the request to book of the Guest and inform the Guest to retract their request to book and resubmitted another one with the check-in time you preferred.


I don’t think a booking  request should be conditional to check in time. 

guests can request an early check in time of course!


even at hotels no one guarantees an early check in time. The guaranteed time is for example 4 pm. 

Interesting!  I've noticed on my last couple of reservations a discrepancy with the check-in times.  Almost like the guest gets to choose a window or something?  My check-in time has always been "anytime after 4pm" and I just confirmed that in my settings.  I recently received a message in my inbox saying the guest's check in time was between 3:00 PM - 5:00PM.  Another guest booked yesterday and I got the same inbox message but it read "Eric's check-in time is 4:00 PM - 6PM."  Weird.

Screenshot 2023-01-19 3.30.51 PM.png


Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hello @Jennifer2682 ,


Did you manage to get a hang of Customer Support and get some clarity around it?


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Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I wonder if that's because Airbnb has this stupid system where they ask guests when they want to check with absolutely no reference to what a hosts actual check in times are @Cristina--And-Cody-0