Critique my listing, Lee and Ceri from South Wales


Critique my listing, Lee and Ceri from South Wales



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Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Lee4909 You could create a second listing with its calendar linked to the first. The second listing should have a number of rooms locked off to reduce the size and be offered at a lower price. Blocking this smaller listing in high seasons means you should maximise your income

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It's been listed through August and booking are ok but a few cancellations. So far nothing until the end of the year and I don't know what expectations to have. It's a large property compared to most in the area and I don't know how to pitch the pricing. If I price it too high because of the size I might miss booking from smaller groups that I would happily accept. It's a steep learning curve at the moment.


Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Lee4909 You could create a second listing with its calendar linked to the first. The second listing should have a number of rooms locked off to reduce the size and be offered at a lower price. Blocking this smaller listing in high seasons means you should maximise your income

I didn't realise I could do that, great suggestion. I will definitely look into it.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Lee4909 you can duplicate the existing listing and then edit it. Be aware that the cancellation policy and other things will default to flexible

@Mike-And-Jane0 Would you think that's a better option than dropping the price and charging extra per person for more than 5?

Any tips to improve the listing? Thanks, Lee


Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Lee4909 the problems with the additional guest fee are

1) Guests will lie about how many are coming

2) You will be forever wondering how many have turned up

3) You will get a bad review if you challenge a lying guest (and a very bad review if you falsely challenge a guest)

But most importantly if you have a 4 bed place and 4 people book it then you still need to provide 4 bedrooms. If you have a 4 bed listing and a two bed listing you can lock the unused rooms (and turn the radiator TRVs down if you have them. This way you actually save laundry and cleaning costs when you get a lower revenue.

Within a month I have ticked all those boxes. 

1. People have lied

2. Always fretting over the numbers

3. Challenged guest and had a bad review, so I then ignored it the next booking.

4. Taken bookings for 4 that want separate beds


I have been booked more than expected so far which is a positive, but I am keeping the price low to get some money back on the initial investment.


I like the point regarding locking rooms off using a second listing, I going to try that. Thank you

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Lee4909 re your listing

1) It looks fine to me. perhaps needs additional bedside tables/lights in two rooms.

2) If you are getting cancellations make your cancellation policy stricter. If you believe the Airbnb advice and go Flexible then people may book your place as a banker and then see if anything better/cheaper is available at the last minute when other hosts may panic and slash their prices. This will then generate a last minute, unfillable, cancellation.