After a 3 year hiatus, I have re-activated one of our listin...
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After a 3 year hiatus, I have re-activated one of our listings here on the Air BnB platform and I notice an issue that was ra...
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As a single female who is renting one room of my home, am I allowed to decline male guests solely for being male? I've hosted men previously and have had absolutley no problems, but now I have a boyfriend and he is very uncomfortable with any men sharing my home even for a short time. I feel like it's discrimination and I hate to be like that, but I also don't want to cause stress for my boyfriend and he's not completely crazy for not wanting me to have males in a roommate situation.
Every one is entitled to feel safe in their home. However I firmly believe each individual booking request should be judged on other factors such as verification, reviews and quality of message sent and NOT gender. Using the safety card is discriminatory to the 99.9% of decent male guests looking to book. In this case though the problem appears to be a jealous boyfriend that should either get a grip or ship out!
My boyfriend is the same way. He will pay for me NOT to rent to males. He does not mind couples, so I have changed my listings to reflect it and I guess I will post of pic of us soon. We do not live together, but the guest bathroom is right next to my bedroom and my closet, so I also would feel more comfortable as well.
Pretty close quarters in my house as its a split level with an open floor plan.
I was said by airbnb that I can not state that I prefer to share to females / couples / families, they treat it as discriminatory to males. Did you check with airbnb?
It might be a better solution to get a new boyfriend, its sound like he doesn’t want to share your apartment with other guests.