Dont worry it's all part of the learning curve and this is one of the things you didnt think about at the time,
Guest with keys are a nightmare so much so I have it written in our contract which they sign on arrival and it's in my house rules.
I only have one condo on airbnb at the moment and it is a keycard system almost every guest leave the keycard in the room and go out, It's gone beyond a joke,
A couple have lost the cards which we have to buy from the condo management and the last time I had to re program all the cards and the door lock, mainly because I suspected a security issue, I charge the guest for that.
One women was calling me at 12--30 am she had left the card in the room I had to get up and get dressed and drive there to let her in, You think Im doing that for free........?
We have some villas which we do LTR I take a large deposit for the keys,
In all the properties we have a safe can you believe people forget the password? They do