Help Listing Suspended

Level 2
North Bergen, NJ

Help Listing Suspended

my listing has been suspended over a week now after a troublesome guest made false accusations after a claim was submitted after property damages during their stay. I’ve  tried to contact customer support several times and nobody seems to have an answer for me. I am a disabled host due to brain cancer and I am getting frustrated as to how Airbnb support can’t provide more support to disabled hosts like me. I am starting to feel discriminated that customer support just doesn’t want to deal with me. Can someone advise on what to do or who to contact? 

1 Best Answer
Level 10
Bellevue, WA



Hi! I’m sorry you’ve felt unsupported by your concern. I’ve tagged some community host managers to see if they can assist you sending your concern to the right team. @Bhumika  @Rebecca  @Paula could you help her please?


I’ve seen other hosts have similar issues with false accusations from guests who broke house rules. If you have pics and documentation of everything in the app/airbnb website, this should help with your claim. I’ve heard some hosts tell guests that there was some damage and while they are filing a claim, airbnb will reach out to ask if they will pay and they can choose to or not, and if they decline, airbnb’s aircover will cover the damage. This way the guest feels in the loop, was notified of the issue and given a choice and also knows that they can say no with no repercussions.


I know some hosts never report as they fear bad or false reviews that then suspend their listings. I haven’t personally reported damaged sheets or watermark on night tables; I just took it as being part of running the business. But some hosts report every thing. Some get reimbursed while others have trouble because of lack of documentation on the app or pics/receipts/extra cleaning fees. 


View Best Answer in original post

13 Replies 13
Level 10
Bellevue, WA



Hi! I’m sorry you’ve felt unsupported by your concern. I’ve tagged some community host managers to see if they can assist you sending your concern to the right team. @Bhumika  @Rebecca  @Paula could you help her please?


I’ve seen other hosts have similar issues with false accusations from guests who broke house rules. If you have pics and documentation of everything in the app/airbnb website, this should help with your claim. I’ve heard some hosts tell guests that there was some damage and while they are filing a claim, airbnb will reach out to ask if they will pay and they can choose to or not, and if they decline, airbnb’s aircover will cover the damage. This way the guest feels in the loop, was notified of the issue and given a choice and also knows that they can say no with no repercussions.


I know some hosts never report as they fear bad or false reviews that then suspend their listings. I haven’t personally reported damaged sheets or watermark on night tables; I just took it as being part of running the business. But some hosts report every thing. Some get reimbursed while others have trouble because of lack of documentation on the app or pics/receipts/extra cleaning fees. 


Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Isabel4763, I am sorry about this situation.


I am forwarding your case to the relevant team. Since our Community Center is not a formal branch of the Support Team, they should contact you directly.




Please follow the Community Guidelines // Por favor consulta las Normas de la comunidad

Thank you so much Paula. This is all I always get I report it as a host and they twist it as if I am the guest with no solution as a host and they penalize me when I am the one not being helped.  **


**[Content removed in line with the Community Center Guidelines- Please note that it is not allowed to share Airbnb investigation and private conversations]



I’m a superhost, my 5 listings were suspended for a week now. Airbnb crucifies hosts. So unfair & stressful! 

Guest asked to cancel reservation due to its over his budget, but liked my property. I tried to work w/his budget but he kept taking it much lower Airbnb told me Im in full right to uphold my cancellation policy of no refund on check in day. So I did. He threatened he will fight to delist me. Made up lies my listing isn’t true to photos, that I  threatened & harassed him yet couldn’t produce any evidence. Yet my case is under investigation, CS is of no help, specialized team who’s investigating isn’t calling to give me a chance to explain my side. Can someone advise what to do? How to get listings back 



 @Paula @Rebecca  could you help her out?


Did a community host manager reach out to you to help out? Unfortunately when a guest lies and reports a safety issue then all the host’s listings get suspended while they are investigating. 

Some hosts have waited weeks and others months. Communicaiton is only through email and the hosts have no idea why they are being investigated. Some have resorted to posting their listings on other sites to make up revenue and others have done a call out on social media to gain traction. 

I hope you are able to figure something out soon. 

Lorina thank you for reply. No community manager reached out to help. How do I get in contact with her? I messaged Sophia, thought she was the one but not heard back in 2 weeks

it’s 15 days since my listings suspension but no one from specialized team has reached out! Support closes cases when I message them, run arounds & assigning case to that team every day, seems dead end! 

it has to be a better way to treat hosts! 1st investigate & if found guilty - suspend. Or investigate within 3 days! As Any guest can just exploit Airbnb system, fabricate lies & Airbnb is in full support of that & puts hosts out of business! Was this unfairness brought up to Head of Hosts? 

Could you pls suggest which groups & on which Social media Chanel’s I can go to? Thank you 🙏 


If you type the @ a box will appear below where you can choose who to message (their name will appear underlined and this means they will get a notification that you mentioned them.


The community managers here that have been helpful for me are @Bhumika @Paula @Rebecca. Could you help out Tatyana as she has had no response regarding her suspension of all her listings from a disgruntled guest.

@Bhumika , @Rebecca can you pls help re: suspension of my listings for a guest false complaint. It’s 16th day since & no one from specialized team reached out. Only run arounds, case gets assigned to that team every day with no resolution. Stressful.. I asked via phone call,  seems tech issue with messages receipts, many complain. Thank you 

Hello all  @Mark3910 @Paula @Bhumika 


Something is terribly wrong! its been almost 3weeks of my listings suspension. I got a call from Specialised team agent, said she will help & resolve it max in 24hrs. It’s been 72hrs Now she wrote she’ll have 2days off. Agents word means nothing! Many hosts say how dysfunctional Airbnb is. 


Also i find it shocking she wouldn’t even say what allegations, why my account is suspended! How can I defend myself if I don’t know what to defend for?? She said due to privacy policy. But that policy means she can’t discuss someone else’s account with me, but this is mine! Even By law Every civil or any proceeding must state what the charges are for the case to be valid. 

Can someone explain how privacy policy works in this case, why such secrecy in disclosing why host’s listings were suspended? Appreciate your input. Thank you 

Thank you Lorina I am more concerned about my listing being suspended when I was the one who reported the issues with the guest and documented everything. Now I am being suspended for following instructions and following ground rules ? And nobody has an answer for me. 

Hi Isabel just wondering if your list has been relist? I face some problem like you.

I'm facing the same thing now. Any news on what to do? This is SO stressful and unfair. Airbnb is not communicating with me at all. Thank you.

After reading the message and all of the replies I have to agree with them Airbnb is lacking many times in response to critical issues. The Airbnb machine is too big and not personal. If any Airbnb host finds an answer to this problem or who/where to contact to get immediate action please post to this forum as many of us could use this information.


Unfortunately the only solution I have found is keep jumping through the Airbnb hoops until  hopefully your problem gets solved. You could also move to a different hosting platform or go independent.