Host Support not resolving critical issue.

Level 1
Aposentillo, Nicaragua

Host Support not resolving critical issue.



I'm looking for assistance on a critical issue for my listing.


I recently noticed a drop-off in my bookings (my listing is a guest favorite with 100% five star ratings, so I logged into Airbnb as a guest and searched for listings in my area.


When the search results came up, my listing was first listing, but I noticed that in the short tagline with the listing it said it was located on much less desirable beach 2 miles to the north of my location.  Further review showed that this location had been inserted for 95% of the listings in the area.


I then conducted a thorough review of my listing and found the location of my listing on my map had changed from beachfront to 5 miles inland.


I contacted Superhost support, and after going through the standard questions and me telling them they had a system issue, they intimated I somehow had caused the problem.


After a number of hours they contacted me and said they had fixed the problem.  I again did a search, and yes, the verbiage on the tag line was gone (for my listing only), but now my location on the map was in the middle of Long Beach, California, USA.  My listing is in Nicaragua.


Again contacted Superhost support, again with the questions and several hours go by before they say the map is corrected.  I check and I'm still 5 miles inland and it won't let me change it myself.  So I contact them again.


I wait several hours and perform another search.  Now my listing is not on any of the searches of the local area!


I'm at my wits end.  Superhost support says they've fixed it and haven't, but don't seem willing to admit they have some kind of system issue and I think they've retaliated against me by blocking my listing.


Does anyone have any suggestions on who/what I can contact /  do?




9 Replies 9
Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Gary1273,


I hope this issue has been resolved for you.


Please keep us posted.



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Level 1
Aposentillo, Nicaragua

As of right now, they still haven't fixed the issue.  However, it appears they are finally taking it seriously.

You have a glitch in the matrix! You will just need to keep after it! Keep reaching out until your listing location is 100% accurate. When you contact AIRBNB you won't be talking/messaging with the team that can fix this problem. That is a very technical issue. So you will have to follow up and follow up again. And if it isn't part of your regular research, you should be looking at your listing from a guest perspective all the time. I find out of sorts, unintentional things that pop up that I would never have noted unless I was acting like a guest. Always good practice. Good luck!

Still no resolution to the issue, although the support team says it's fixed so they can close the case and look better on their statistics.


I am extremely disappointed in their lack of technical know-how and lack of response (and by response, I don't mean, "thank you for contacting us, we are looking into this matter, followed by this issue is resolved and we will now close this case.


I have also sent emails to the Head of International Operations, and the Head of Hosting Support, and haven't heard a word.


My page views and listing engagement has dropped off dramatically since this issue began, which is extremely frustrating because this time last year, I was booked solid and getting multiple inquiries.  Since this issue began, no activity at all.


Hi @Gary1273 

A couple of things you can check on your Listing to see if it does anything. Sounds like they have fixed the subtitle location, but not the map pin?  Hosts can change/adjust the map pin and also whether to show their exact location or not. 


I would first go to the Listing Editor/Location Card and adjust the map pin to the correct location. Use the adjust button to move the map pin to the correct physical location of your listing. Once that is done, turn on the "Show Your Specific Location" slider button.







Let us know here if that fixes the map location for the listing; might help another Host with the same issue. 




Level 1
Aposentillo, Nicaragua



Thank you for the advice.  However, I fixed the location issue (with no help from Airbnb), and thought the description issue was corrected, but it came back.  Somehow they also put my minimum stay at 31 days, without me editing anything on the listing.


These issues are system issues and not of my doing.  They started without any adjusting of my listing on my part.


Yikes!...frustrating. You have two it happening on both listings? If not, which one is it happening on? 


Very odd that this all of a sudden is happening....I wondering if it has anything to do with the recent software release? Did you opt in early to that?

Level 1
Bocas del Toro Province, Panama

Hello Gary. I'm in Bocas Del Toro Panama and am having the same issue. The tagine says we're on a beach to the north of us and a 20 minute walk from the beach, despite the map showing us right at the beach. Did you ever get this resolved? I was told to contact the "team" at Elevate to be added to beachfront category but we already are. There is no support team at Elevate, its just the usual support people. So that was a wild goose chase. I'm still hoping to get this resolved. Most of the properties in my area have the exact same issue. 



Good luck.  It took me a couple of weeks of constant calling to support.  They did not want to acknowledge that it was their system issue.

I finally got fed up and just went up the chain of command until I found someone that could / would actually do something about the issue.