Hello fellow hosts, wondering what you do when you want to u...
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Hello fellow hosts, wondering what you do when you want to update your photo portfolio online? I have great professional phot...
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Hi guys,
you might have wondered how to get those picutures taken from the professional photographer (or your own ones in case you want to work on them or re-use for another listing).
I´ll show you a little work-around, here it how it goes:
Go on your listing page for e.g. https://de.airbnb.com/rooms/8432133 (yes his name is also Arslan, he is my brother)
Right click or "crtl+u" to view page source
"Crtl+f" to search page and enter "https://a2.muscache.com/im/pictures/"
Click on the hyperlinks (bold blue) to open the pictures. Should look like this "https://a2.muscache.com/im/pictures/58614995-e794-4069-ac87-dd47d46a7ba6.jpg?aki_policy=x_large"
Note: You will find several pictures on this page. All of them are shown in thumbnails on the main page e.g. https://de.airbnb.com/rooms/8432133
Now if you have more than 6 pictures and you want to download all of them, bring the disired ones to the top 1-6 position of your listing (it will take some time to come into effect - you should receive an email saying your listing photos have been updated). After this you can download the next 6 pictures.
Bonmot: The first picture will give an extra big resolution and is shown in the page source code as "policy=xx_large"
e.g. https://a2.muscache.com/im/pictures/3ec49415-0d6c-435a-8aec-6329fc67d991.jpg?aki_policy=xx_large
Credits to Jiw https://de.airbnb.com/users/show/1438540
Njoy your weekends chaps & happy hosting from Berlin
Hi @Lud-and-Walson0,
You should be aware that "If you choose to use the Airbnb photography service, you recognize that Airbnb will hold all rights (including copyright rights), title and interest in the resulting images." - Airbnb
Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host
The PHOTOGRAPHER owns the copyright ALWAYS
Is there a way to take off the "big resolution" of the 'main picture.' I'm finding that none of my pictures look quite right when this big resolution happens.
Here is a faster way:
Go to your listing and to your photo editing area.
When all of your photos are layed out in an array (where you can modify the text for each photo), click on any photo and it will open as a pop up.
Right click on the photo and click, "open image in new tab."
When the image opens, it will have a LONG URL:
This is a 70% size of your original pic.
Now, just go up to your URL bar and modify the 70 to 100 (%):
Now, you can right click and save photo and you'll have a ~ 350 kb photo.
Hi Justin & Anna
@Justin-And-Anna0 wrote:Here is a faster way:
Go to your listing and to your photo editing area.
When all of your photos are layed out in an array (where you can modify the text for each photo), click on any photo and it will open as a pop up.
Right click on the photo and click, "open image in new tab."
When the image opens, it will have a LONG URL:
This is a 70% size of your original pic.
Now, just go up to your URL bar and modify the 70 to 100 (%):
Now, you can right click and save photo and you'll have a ~ 350 kb photo.
It doesn't work on my MacBook Pro. I can't open image in new tab and can't see the URL and I can't view the page source.
Need your advice please!