How to list a rural location

How to list a rural location

Hello everyone,


Our listing for Fkying Squirrel Cabins in the Yukon, Canada, is an off-grid destination about 50 km from the nearest town. The airbnb platform seems to force us to list the location as a viable mailing address within the nearest community which is 50 km away.

We are a rural location. This requirement causes us to completely misrepresent the rural quality of the cabins (not only 50 km south of Haines Junction, but also 1.5 km off the Haines Highway). The map showing our location puts us in the nearest town of Haines Junction because that's the only way we can satisfy the airbnb platform's requirement for an address. 

Does anyone know how to improve our listing to show our cabins in their accurate location.

2 Replies 2


I believe you need to give Airbnb the GPS coordinates, Lat/Long (they use GoogleMaps) if you don't have a mailing address at your actual location. Airbnb will have to change this for you. I believe they will also have to move the map pin for you. You can move the map pin yourself if you haven't had any guests yet, but I believe it only allows you +/- 5 miles; yours would be alot further.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Matthew2332 😊,

Welcome to the community, and thank you for asking this question here!

Our host shared great advice with you. Did you get a chance to review it?

Are you planning to reach out to Airbnb support?


I am also sharing with you these articles about 👉 How to add your location. 

I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Warm regards 🌻


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