I am back at last!

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

I am back at last!

I have had this really strange issue, and I think a few others here have had it too!


For the past 11 days I have not been able to log onto the community centre.

I was kept up to date.....each morning I was able to see all the latest posts but.....I could not respond! Each time I tried to 'sign in'  I would be directed to a general search page!.....Boy I have to tell you I have been invited to search listings in just about every  corner of the earth!

I noticed in one post that I was not the only one this was happening to, but everyone else seemed to have their log-on issue rectified fairly quickly.....but each time I have tried to log-in over that past 11 days, I have been re-directed to a search page

It seemed to stem from yet another useless system upgrade!


I have to say this platform is simply outrageous for un-required upgrades. The best way I can describe it is ......You have a favourite restaurant, the food is great, you get looked after well, but every time you go there, the toilets have been moved to another location with no indication of where that location might be!!!!!

I haven't wet my pants yet, but the frustration I have had over the past 11 days has been palpable.....just the fact that I could not answer anything!


I firstly asked a couple of CC regulars who I have personal emails with to get onto @Lizzie , @Quincy , or @Stephanie to see if they could fix my issue but that met with failure, so I got onto CX and asked if they could resolve this issue.

Look, to put it in perspective, it's not life threatening, I have a few sites that I contribute too, and it was not going to be the end of the world as I know it if CC access was cut off.....but I wanted to know why!

Jona from CX said she would take care of it, and then promptly sent me a message saying that she was going to have a few days off.....great!


Tonight I hope I have bypassed this last system upgrade and managed to get myself back on the Community Centre again. Why should I have to do this, I haven't done anything wrong!


Seriously, life was not meant to be this difficult, why do our Tech development team go out of their way to make our lives this difficult? 



1 Best Answer

@Robin4  It's not just the CC we can't log into, many hosts can't even log in to their hosting accounts, as @Susan151 relates.

We all need to make a note of our upcoming guests' phone numbers and the coded email address Airbnb assigns them, in case we can't access the hosting pages. And what if we can't log in to answer a request or an inquiry? Will we get dinged on response time if 25 hours go by where we can't access the site to respond to the guest? (not to mention losing money for missed booking requests).

And while this glitch continues, they are proudly bragging of the "Fresh New Look" they have created for our listings. I suggest the tech team fix all their glitches rather than fiddle around with things no one cares about.

View Best Answer in original post

59 Replies 59
Level 10
Toronto, Canada

@Robin4 @Pat271 @Susan151 @Cathie19 @Susan17 @Ute42 @Helen427 @Stephanie @Quincy  It seems that the issue of not being able to login and chat with our CC. Now I’m good. True, if it ain’t broke - don’t fix it.  🙂

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@Robin4 I'm back too, as of today!  none of the work arounds worked for me (Probably my lack of tech savvie), but today it's all back as if by magic! - Nothing I've done; all their end...

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


I think part of my problem is, I am never prepared to leave well enough alone. I am all the time adding in something here or there. I seem to have this conviction that it will never be good enough, and in doing so, I am probably becoming my own worst enemy!


Our youngest Daughter Kate describes our rear yard as a 'nervous breakdown' of a garden.....there is so much going on........


Oh, there you go, another little glitch in the system, I can't upload a photo, big red banner, ' Permission denied'.......Wow, every day something new pops out of the programming woodwork, doesn't it!

Two hours later........



Oh, there you go, it's back again.


Never mind, I think you get my point Sarah, if I didn't put so much into it, I would be better prepared to take the hits that invariably come!


Look @Helen350 @Giuliana142  @Susan151  @Pat271 the one thing we can be sure of, this current CC log-in issue does not have anything to do with our devices. I was half way through this post and I was suddenly and unexpectedly, logged out, and could not log back in. Now two hours later, I have a connection again.

This is not a cache issue, or a problem with our devices. This is an Airbnb issue. Now, every program that I have ever had anything to do with has a fail-safe, you can always return to a previous version. This issue has been going on for almost 2 weeks now, the tech team are obviously aware that the problem is there, but they are choosing to tinker with what they have got, than backtrack and provide a reliable connection.  

Lets just say, for the time being, if anyone doesn't respond, it isn't from lack of trying, we are fighting a busted system!





@Robin4  It's not just the CC we can't log into, many hosts can't even log in to their hosting accounts, as @Susan151 relates.

We all need to make a note of our upcoming guests' phone numbers and the coded email address Airbnb assigns them, in case we can't access the hosting pages. And what if we can't log in to answer a request or an inquiry? Will we get dinged on response time if 25 hours go by where we can't access the site to respond to the guest? (not to mention losing money for missed booking requests).

And while this glitch continues, they are proudly bragging of the "Fresh New Look" they have created for our listings. I suggest the tech team fix all their glitches rather than fiddle around with things no one cares about.

@Robin4 wrote:


This is not a cache issue, or a problem with our devices. This is an Airbnb issue.


At the risk of sounding snarky, "well d'oh." Of course it is an AirBNB problem. I could watch the URL and the failure was occurring on the "hidden" login that is triggered anytime you access an AirBNB tab/page. So, whatever they have been working on is still a work-in-progress.



Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Susan if you check back through this thread you will notice that @Pat271 suggested that my issue was a cache issue, which is also what Airbnb support told me when I got onto them.


Some contributors here, and some CX people are saying the problem exists on our end, not theirs.....


Support message re log on.png


Many other user are probably getting the same information Susan. That was why I put that sentence in, I am not trying to state the obvious, I am just trying to warn people. 


Sorry if you misconstrued my meaning, I thought I was making it obvious!



Level 10
Somerville, MA

And, it is Friday at 7:30 and AirBNB is down. No access to our inbox! Have guests and potential guests pinging me, and there is nothing I can do.


Seriously. TEST. TEST. TEST. Error 500 at the end of the business day on a Friday is just.NOT.cool.


No offense to the CC, I would much rather be locked out of the community forum than my inBox. One represents community; one represents income. I know which one I value just a bit more.


@Stephanie @Lizzie @Quincy 

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

Yikes! Just checked, I'm getting Error 500 Ice Cream Girl now too... (Never been locked out of account for more than a few mins before.)

@Helen350 wrote:

Yikes! Just checked, I'm getting Error 500 Ice Cream Girl now too... (Never been locked out of account for more than a few mins before.)

Me either. Thank goodness I noted yesterday's booking's cell phone number since she needs to amend. Quick message to say, it is possible, but can't send her any details. The 48-hour clock is ticking down.

I am in using Chrome. Safari is still dead in the water.


Mac. 10.13.6 (17G9016)

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

No offence taken at all @Susan151 .

@Helen350 and @Sarah977  also, I've just pinged the tech team regarding this logging in error 500 issue, will let you know when I get word back.


So sorry for this, again!








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@Stephanie  Thanks. And all CS personnel need to be informed that this is a widespread system error. They are still telling hosts that there haven't been any other reports of this issue and that the problem must originate with the host's account- that they need to change their password, clear their cache, or some other thing which isn't the cause.

I really don't understand how an issue can be reported to CS by hundreds, if not thousands of hosts all over the world for 2 weeks and CS isn't informed of this and deals with each case on an individual basis instead of saying it's a known problem which is being worked on? 

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hiya @Sarah977 ,


I appreciate your ongoing patience in these matters. Rest assured, I've "got the word out" and hope to get some positive news soon.





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Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@Stephanie  My error 500 was last night . Everything was working this morning, & has been OK all day....

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Lizzie  Again tonight, got the falling ice cream girl, unable to log in an hour ago, in either Chrome or Firefox. Now I can log in again. What is going on and why has it been going on intermittently for a couple of weeks now? It seems absurd that they can't fix this. How are hosts supposed to communicate with their guests or respond to booking requests and inquiries within 24 hours when we can't even log in?