In your listing, make sure you spell wifi, not wife.
In your photos, put the bed with rose bedspread against a wall in the middle of the room, not scrunched up against another second wall. Bedside tables would be lovely for a guest too.
Flowers in a vase on the tables would be nice when you take a photograph.
If you can get all cleaning items off counters, and retake your photos, that would be awesome.
The house looks a little empty, needs a few more pieces of furniture, or some flower vases on the tables. Are you living there also? Will your guests be sharing a house with you?
I would also suggest planting some flower beds or taller bushes outside right beside the house to make it much more welcoming.
When you take the photos, stand farther back as the perspective of things is a bit askew.
By the way, I am also from Kampala but now live in Canada.
Wishing you the best of luck!