I can't seem to add house rules

Level 4
Halkirk, Canada

I can't seem to add house rules

When in listing editor > arrival guide > House rules - I can't seem to add any. There are ticks for pets, and a couple of other things, but I can't write anything.

So where do we add our house rules? I believe I saw someone mentioning a whole list of their own, but I can't find that now....

Anyway, if someone could give me some guidance, I'd appreciate that. Do we just add our rules to the guide?

9 Replies 9





I am not seeing what you are seeing - this is what I am seeing



Top Contributor
Cannes, France



You're in the wrong place - you're in the amenities section and what @Joan2709 indicates is further down so scroll down until you see House rules and in the Additional information you can type in your house rules

Hope this helps

No, there seems to be no place to type in my house rules.......I scrolled pretty much to the bottom on the left hand side, and you see what is on the right hand side, nowhere to add house rules



Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

@Maisie1 it looks like you're using the desktop. My screen looks exactly like yours in these screenshots, but then I can scroll the right pane to go lower than "events allowed". HOWEVER the scroll bar for the right-hand pane seems to be missing in the desktop version right now! I bet that's the problem. I only manage to scroll on a touch-screen laptop. 

You should be able to scroll down in the phone app though?


If others (@Joelle43 @Joan2709 and anyone else) can confirm that the right-hand scroll bar is missing in the desktop version at the moment, we can report it. I just first want to be sure I'm not imagining it.

@Shelley159 @Joelle43 

It looks like her screen is not maximized and the scroll bar far right is therefore not visible. If she maximizes her screen she should see the scroll bar. See other post. I can confirm the scroll bar is not missing from my screens Windows 11 with Chrome & Firefox:



Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Maisie1 

Click on the screen that you posted. Then go to the right side (if you're on a desktop) and scroll all the way down. If you're using the app, the house rules page will open when you click the screen that you posted. Scroll all the way down.

There is nowhere to scroll all the way down. I am using a laptop...........I wonder why this is appearing like that, nowhere to add house rules, so weird!




It looks like your computer screen is not maximized and the scroll bar on the far right can't be seen. Try maximizing the screen by clicking this button at the top right (2 arrows). Then the scroll bar should be visible:



Also, thought you might like to take a look at this New Host Guide. It has lots of tips to help you navigate the platform and understand features:


A Guide For New Hosts
