I am trying to set a minimum 7 night stay but I cannot eliminate 2 night stays at weekends

Level 2
Bath, United Kingdom

I am trying to set a minimum 7 night stay but I cannot eliminate 2 night stays at weekends

Our settings maintain a 2 night weekend stay despite my attempts to set a 7 night minimum. Airbnb is now threatening to de-list us because we are declining weekend stays. What can I do?


Many thanks, Fiona Close

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


If you set the 2 nights with a rule-set for certain weekends : remove the rule-set.

If you set the 2 nights in the availibility menu, section "custom trip lenghts" : just change it or remove setting.


Level 10
Paris, France

Hi @Fiona13 

Airbnb App> Booking Setting > Calendar > Trip Length  > Customise by days of week> Minimum stay for days of the week> save


Booking Setting> Calendar > Trip Length > Customise days of week >Booking Setting> Calendar > Trip Length > Customise days of week >> Minimum stay for days, of the week> Minimum stay for days, of the weekSet and SaveSet and Save