Creating a rule that guests must book SPECIFIC dates
I made a rule in the Availabilty section that August 1-7 is a minimum 7 night booking. That means to me that any reservation that goes into those dates must book ALL those nights. When I logged on as a guest I tried booking August 5-13 and my listing came up as available with no restrictions! So Airbnb's definition of this restriction is ANY dates that touch your restricted dates can be booked as long as it's a minimum of 7 nights. I tried to use the feature that restrict check-in on certain days of the week but Airbnb only allows this feature for your entire calendar, not specfic dates. I don't want to have to block off July 31 and August 8 to force guests to select these exact dates as I will lose out on bookings that are longer than my minimum.
Unfortunately it doesn’t prevent guests from only booking part of your minimum stay. Try setting a rule for specific dates (like 1 week minimum) and log in as a guest. You will see you can get around this rule if you start your booking before or part of the stay as long as it’s 7 nights.