I need any tips or suggestion about this listing of mine

Level 2
Lucknow, India

I need any tips or suggestion about this listing of mine

Can you please provide me with any tips or suggestions regarding this listing of mine? I'm looking for any advice you might have to help improve it.



2 Replies 2
Level 3
Nairobi, Kenya

Hallo @Aasiya-and-Lubna0 ,

l have viewed your listing. Please improve on the following.

1. The house is crowded 

2. beds not done neatly 

3. too much color, pick warm colors 

4. Engage with professional photographer for quality photos 

Hope my feedback helps !

Thank you,


Level 1
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


I think you should improve on 

1. Photography, try to find a professional on that field.

2. There is too much deco that it reduces the look and feel of the house.

3. It's good to advertise on the decorations but try to find the best picture as the one there has tarnished whole album.

4. At least put pictures with the view of the surrounding area also