Just discovered I could get your valued feedback on my listing! Thank y’all!

Level 3
Miami, FL

Just discovered I could get your valued feedback on my listing! Thank y’all!

I’d appreciate any feedback!


https://www.airbnb.ca/rooms/863102928817680464?source_impression_id=p3_1725551658_P3q2K4mwDxQe1cYb Screenshot 2024-09-05 at 11.54.25 AM.png


(Content modified by OCM)

18 Replies 18

Hi Anna, Thanks for allowing us to review your listing.  I used to own a cabin in the middle of the woods, with a long windy gravel driveway, and we ensured that folks knew about this upfront with pics.  Here are some of my suggestions:

Dogs: I would provide doggies sheets so folks can use them to cover furniture.  No dog beds as dogs will sense another dog and pee on the bed.  I do provide bowls, a mat and dog shampoo. People love it.

Kitchen: provide more spices than salt and pepper.  Spices are not expensive and you can a variety and your guests will love it.  Get a larger dining table.  For 6 people, it seems tight.

Bedrooms: The room that has the twin beds should have a larger bed with a sitting area.  Swap the twin beds to a smaller room. The other bed that has a large bed should have a chair or bench.  Somewhere to put a bag or sit to tie your shoes.  Remove the items off of the long dresser/console because it looks cluttered. 

Living room: If you move the smaller couch away from the window and closer to the larger couch, you could put a small desk by the window and provide a workspace.  Add pictures of your board games.

Pic: when deciding which pic to post, use the pic where people will gather the most as your cover pic.  You have great outdoor pics.

Content: Go to Chat GPT and put your description in it and ask it to improve it.  


Your space seems lovely and you have good recent reviews.  From time to time, adjust language and pics.  Hope this was helpful. 

Thank you for your insights! I appreciate them 🙏

I love the ideas others have mentioned already, and they include much of what I was going to say! Definitely Chat GPT for your description. Definitely a “no” on the dog beds, as another person mentioned, as they will mark their territory. I agree on moving LR furniture to add a small workspace! Definitely add spices & change the cover photo. 
Adding some pics of the local water and nature / hikes, will help immensely when drawing people in, especially when they don’t get to see much nature on a regular basis. 💜

Level 3
Portland, Australia

Hi Anna, you have a beautiful home and should be very proud. Don’t over think it. Do your best for your guests and don’t worry. I have an older home and use to worry at the start but my aim is to have an extremely clean and cozy home and my guests are very pleased with that, as well as my warm hospitality and generosity, ( providing 🥖 Bread, milk 🥛 🍳 eggs, biscuits 🍪 etc. ) It’s all about giving our guests the comfort of a home and “ an experience “ not just a house to stay in. Keep positive and don’t worry ! 😊