Listing has changed following Airbnb update

Level 2
Instow, United Kingdom

Listing has changed following Airbnb update

My listing suddenly showed a new section on scenic views - which I didn’t action. I have guests now angry that the scenic views were not there! Has anyone else had this problem ? Airbnb say it was me and not them! Grateful for any help out there x

1 Best Answer
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Ok, now I see what may have gone wrong. @Emiel1 is correct in that there is no 'scenic views' category, only 'amazing views'.


However,  in the listing details themselves, there is a section for scenic views. I was constantly asked by the system to 'tell guests about your scenic views', which I ignored as I don't have scenic views, but it wouldn't go away, so I clicked on it to see what it said. One of the options was 'courtyard' view, so I selected that for the listing that faces the garden and roof terrace and selected no scenic views for the rooms facing the road.


On the listing with courtyard view, this now shows underneath the location section when I am in edit mode. So, you can go there to check if they have indeed removed it from your listing. On the listing itself, 'scenic views' appears in the list of amenities or 'what this place offers'.


So, for once, I do not believe that this has anything to do with the new categories because, for now at least, the categories are not mentioned on the listings themselves. So, the only way the guests saw this on your listing was because 'scenic views' was selected in the amenities. Either you did this yourself by mistake or it was a technical glitch. I have noticed a lot of glitches with the amenities list, e.g. amenities I definitely checked becoming unchecked. I think it's because Airbnb keep tweaking them and, when they do, sometimes some of them reset, which is why it's worth double checking them every now and again.

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16 Replies 16
Level 2
Instow, United Kingdom

Thanks all - I have noticed that amenities get changed before and do check but I’ve never seen them highlighted on the front page before - anyway all back to normal - for now! 

Level 3
New York, United States

OMG!!! My listing shows that I have a washer and dryer on the premises which I have never had. In addition, the listing also shows that there is no dedicated parking which in fact there is. The guests there now wants to leave early because there is no washer and dryer. I called Airbnb and was told that I am the only one who could have done that, and that I am in violation of misrepresentation. 

This has happened to me before, whenever Airbnb updates their dashboard. But before I caught it and changed my amenities. This time I was not lucky.