When did you publish the listing? It can take 24-72hrs before the listing appears to Guests. This is intentional, as this gives Hosts time to finish setting up their listing. There is alot more information to add to the listing after you publish, but Airbnb doesn't do a good job of letting Hosts know that. Suggest you go to the Listing Editor and click every square (Airbnb calls them "cards") on the left side, a panel will appear on the right side for you to add information:
Missing Sections On Your Listing
You have alot of missing sections on the listing. For example, suggest you go to the amenities section and add/update your amenities. Airbnb is saying you don't have hot water, heating, or essentials like sheets, towels, sheets, toilet paper?
Go to Amenities and click the (+) sign and add every amenity you have and complete the sections indicated by the pencil icon:
Where You'll Sleep Section
This appears when you add sleeping arrangements to your bedroom room photos:
Location Card - Missing Info
Click the Location Card on left side of Listing Editor. Right panel will open for you to add information. Be sure to scroll down to the bottom in each section as you are missing the Neighborhood Section and Getting Around and also Scenic Views?
Guest Safety Card
You're missing alot of information in this section?
Arrival Guide - Check-Out Instructions
It doesn't appear you have any checkout instructions?
Cleaning Fee? Pet Fee?
Do you want to add a cleaning fee or Pet Fee?