Listing’s name was changed

Level 2
Portland, OR

Listing’s name was changed

Hi to everyone!

 The other day I was checking on my listings, and found one of them had a name change I never made. I got it changed back to the original name thanks to the excellent help from customer service , but it was a surprise to me that this could happen.
Has this ever happened to you?  Why would it happen in the first place?

my listing is : Blues, Brews, & Bicycle Guesthouse - it had been changed to

”Blues, Brews & Bicycle Guest Houses”

A small change, but the implication is that I have a string of guest houses!

Just wondering 😂



3 Replies 3


No...this has never happened to any of the Hosts I work with. Does anyone else have access to your account on Airbnb? It doesn't show you have a Co-Host on the listing, but does someone else have your password?

thanks for your response @Joan2709 !

No, no one has my password. 
This change had to be done by AirBnb.  I’m guessing they are using AI or an algorithm to compile data; and you know what they say: “ Garbage in, garbage out”😂


Wow...I guess I will have to start watching Titles now 🙄. Thanks for letting us know about it.