Air B&B policy is to only count over 12 months as a person - the Fire Marshall in our area, counts heartbeats - we have a strict rule for how many people our units will sleep and that is how many people we allow to stay in the unit. I also make them put names and ages of each guest listed out on our rental agreement. IF we discover the guests are trying to bring or in a few cases, they have brought more people in - we make the extra people leave -
as I have explained to everyone, including Air B&B - you may not count heartbeats or people but the Fire Marshall and my atty do - I'm not going to be sued, if there is a fire, and I am sued, for allowing them to bring in air mattresses for the extra people to sleep on.
That has ended this issue on too many people. the camera on the door also helps with that - so we can see how many people actually ck in the unit.