Coming across a problem of guests being able to book for less than a minimum days set in the calendar where different length stays are abutted. For instance. May 1-31 = 5 day min. June 1-30 = 28 day min. Guests that choose to book May 30-June 6th can book despite June 1st on being set to 28 day + min. I use the professional tools. I wonder if there is a solution.
I also learned the hard way that the minimum stay only applies to bookings starting on that day. The calendar looks only at the check-in day of 30 May, sees a 5-day minimum and allows a 5-day booking. Many of us initially assume that the days we select would have to form part of a booking of at least that length, but no ...
You'll have to manage the issue by creating no check-in/out days and adaptimg the rule as you get bookings.
I also learned the hard way that the minimum stay only applies to bookings starting on that day. The calendar looks only at the check-in day of 30 May, sees a 5-day minimum and allows a 5-day booking. Many of us initially assume that the days we select would have to form part of a booking of at least that length, but no ...
You'll have to manage the issue by creating no check-in/out days and adaptimg the rule as you get bookings.