My Experiences listing have system error, Guests cannot see my Availabilities from Calendar

Level 2
Rome, Italy

My Experiences listing have system error, Guests cannot see my Availabilities from Calendar



Hello , I am Orkhan and feel great to be host in Airbnb. I am doing Photography experiences in Rome, Italy. Last 1 month there have system error in my 3 experiences and Guests cannot book with Calendar because they see all dates are unavailable. I already report it to Airbnb support team , they confirmed the Bug in system and they said we escalate the case to Engineers team, But 1 month passes they are always say sorry but it not help me. I lost a lots of Booking during 1 month. Still waiting for resolution but there is no. 

i dont know what should i di

1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Orkhan12 , Did this issue get resolved for you? Did you eventually hear back from the Support team?



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