New to hosting ~ unsure of a guest

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

New to hosting ~ unsure of a guest

Hi everyone,

I am new to hosting and have tonight received a request to book for a lady who only has her first name, no profile picture and no references On her account. We can sleep 7 and she has said she wants 6 adults, 1 child and an infant.

Is it appropriate to ask for more personal details??
I’ve had 2 other requests and don’t have the same gut feeling.

Thanks in  advance

3 Replies 3
Level 4
Johnstown, CO

Ask as many questions as you want. It’s your business. I always go with my gut.

Level 4
Lafayette, CO

If the guest does not have any previous bookings then that is an area for concern as well. Ask if she can provide a state ID, If she is from the same area and not from out of town this could be a red flag. It's your property and business so ask her any questions that you will need to feel confident in her stay. Once you know the nature of her booking and you have gathered more information you should be equipped enough to confirm or decline. 

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Sam4433 Have you looked at your profile picture? It is so dark it may as well not exist.

Lots of people are using Airbnb for the first time this year. As you offer a cot in your listing it seems these folk are an ideal match.