


Hello, I have some questions regarding offer, pets, friendly like how many pets can I more there’s any fees for extra pets if they damage something there’s any insurance who will pay that or the gas how that work thank you

1 Best Answer

Hi @Ricky-S-Remodeling-LLC0 the number of pets, depends on how many pets your listing can accommodate. I believe Airbnb set up a new feature where you can put a max of 5 pets. Regarding fees if pets damage something in your listing, Airbnb provides a Host Guarantee and Host Protection Insurance, which might cover certain damages caused by guests, potentially including pets.


However, it's important to read the terms of these policies carefully, as there may be limitations or exclusions. It's also a good idea to have your own home insurance policy that includes coverage for damages caused by pets. 


If a pet damages something in your listing, you can request compensation through the Airbnb Resolution Center. It's advisable to document any damages with photos and communicate with the guest to resolve the issue. If you cannot reach an agreement with the guest, Airbnb can mediate and make a final decision based on the evidence provided. Hope this helps! 

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Hi @Ricky-S-Remodeling-LLC0 the number of pets, depends on how many pets your listing can accommodate. I believe Airbnb set up a new feature where you can put a max of 5 pets. Regarding fees if pets damage something in your listing, Airbnb provides a Host Guarantee and Host Protection Insurance, which might cover certain damages caused by guests, potentially including pets.


However, it's important to read the terms of these policies carefully, as there may be limitations or exclusions. It's also a good idea to have your own home insurance policy that includes coverage for damages caused by pets. 


If a pet damages something in your listing, you can request compensation through the Airbnb Resolution Center. It's advisable to document any damages with photos and communicate with the guest to resolve the issue. If you cannot reach an agreement with the guest, Airbnb can mediate and make a final decision based on the evidence provided. Hope this helps!