Please critique my listing

Level 2
Mississauga, Canada

Please critique my listing

I am new  to AirBnB hosting. We have published our listing in October and initially we did get traffic on the listing based on the statistics from the site and we had our first guest in the 3rd week of October and have bookings for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th weekends of November. Except for a bit of operation issue with the digital lock, the first guest experience was very good with a 5 rating across all parameters.


I have noticed that in the later part of October, after we had first three bookings, the traffic to our listing dropped significantly - to almost 1/3 of what it was in early October.  We have not received any bookings in the last 3 weeks, is it the time of the year or something not right on my listing.


I have checked the comparable listing and our rate is very competitive.


I am looking for your evaluation of my listing, suggestion, pointers and any help that you can provide.


Link to the listing: Photo tour – Listing editor – Airbnb

Screenshot 2024-11-04 at 1.08.05 PM.png



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4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Bergamo, Italy

Ciao @Ahmed1026 ,



I took a quick look at your listing and it seems to me that the photos are a little dark, I think you could improve them, here are some tips on how to best photograph your home:


good luck!



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Ahmed1026 😊,

Thank you so much for asking for a critique of your listing here in the community, this is definitely the best way to start!


Congratulations on your listing, it looks so cozy! When did you start hosting?


I will mention experienced hosts who can share the best advice with you: @Joe771@Jim-and-Caroline0@Amy3326 and @Debra300.


Thank you in advance, everyone.

Warm regards 🌻,


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@Ahmed1026 First off the property looks good. I agree with @Andrea6232 your pictures are dark. I would hire a professional photographer to come and take pictures. They will be able to capture your place in the correct light and give it the warmth and inviting look it needs to get booked. 


I would also say your listing is a little light on descriptions and hooks. I would give your place a fun name. People like to coming to a place that has a name or theme. Put descriptions under the new photos like fully stocked kitchen, or blankets in the drawer under the tv. This lets people know there are more items that they might need than what is shown. 


Good luck and hopes this help.

Thanks Joe for the pointers.  I will work on them. @Joe771