Pool Liability Addendum


Pool Liability Addendum

We host a home with a Pool where we state in the home manual and check in instructions, the rules for the use of the pool. I was wondering if other pool owners go beyond this by having a liability addendum for guest to sign? I'm sure its in our best interest to have this but was wondering what other pool owners are doing to protect ourselves?


1 Best Answer

Hi @Randy730 ,


Having a liability addendum for guests to sign when using amenities like a pool is indeed a prudent measure. This kind of addendum typically outlines the rules of usage, reiterates safety guidelines, and clearly states that guests are using the pool at their own risk, which can help protect you as the host from certain liabilities.


Here are some steps and considerations other pool owners often take to enhance safety and reduce liability:


Liability Waiver/Addendum: Many pool owners include a specific waiver or addendum in their rental agreement that guests must sign before using the pool. This document generally outlines safety precautions and transfers some of the liability risks to the users.


House Rules and Manual: Continue to clearly state pool rules and guidelines in your house manual and check-in instructions. Make sure these are easily accessible and visibly posted near the pool area as well.


Safety Features and Equipment: Ensure that the pool area is equipped with safety features such as non-slip surfaces, adequate fencing, pool covers, and lifesaving equipment. Regular maintenance checks are crucial to ensure all safety equipment is in good working condition.


Regular Maintenance: Keep the pool and surrounding area in excellent condition. Regular maintenance not only pertains to water cleanliness and chemical balance but also to the physical condition of ladders, diving boards, and pool edges.


Insurance: Check with your insurance provider to ensure that your homeowner’s policy includes coverage for guests using your pool. Some policies may require additional liability coverage for pool owners.


Educate Your Guests: Provide guests with a brief orientation if possible, especially for families with children, on the safe use of the pool. This can include aspects like no diving rules, keeping the pool area gate closed, and not swimming alone.


Emergency Information: Make sure that clear instructions in case of an emergency are available and include local emergency numbers, the nearest hospital location, and a basic first aid guide.


Seeing what measures other hosts have implemented and consulting with a legal professional can provide further personalized advice tailored to your specific situation and local regulations.


This can help ensure you're well protected while offering a great experience to your guests.


I hope this helps!


All the best,

Upfish Management

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8 Replies 8

Hi @Randy730 ,


Having a liability addendum for guests to sign when using amenities like a pool is indeed a prudent measure. This kind of addendum typically outlines the rules of usage, reiterates safety guidelines, and clearly states that guests are using the pool at their own risk, which can help protect you as the host from certain liabilities.


Here are some steps and considerations other pool owners often take to enhance safety and reduce liability:


Liability Waiver/Addendum: Many pool owners include a specific waiver or addendum in their rental agreement that guests must sign before using the pool. This document generally outlines safety precautions and transfers some of the liability risks to the users.


House Rules and Manual: Continue to clearly state pool rules and guidelines in your house manual and check-in instructions. Make sure these are easily accessible and visibly posted near the pool area as well.


Safety Features and Equipment: Ensure that the pool area is equipped with safety features such as non-slip surfaces, adequate fencing, pool covers, and lifesaving equipment. Regular maintenance checks are crucial to ensure all safety equipment is in good working condition.


Regular Maintenance: Keep the pool and surrounding area in excellent condition. Regular maintenance not only pertains to water cleanliness and chemical balance but also to the physical condition of ladders, diving boards, and pool edges.


Insurance: Check with your insurance provider to ensure that your homeowner’s policy includes coverage for guests using your pool. Some policies may require additional liability coverage for pool owners.


Educate Your Guests: Provide guests with a brief orientation if possible, especially for families with children, on the safe use of the pool. This can include aspects like no diving rules, keeping the pool area gate closed, and not swimming alone.


Emergency Information: Make sure that clear instructions in case of an emergency are available and include local emergency numbers, the nearest hospital location, and a basic first aid guide.


Seeing what measures other hosts have implemented and consulting with a legal professional can provide further personalized advice tailored to your specific situation and local regulations.


This can help ensure you're well protected while offering a great experience to your guests.


I hope this helps!


All the best,

Upfish Management

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Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Alicia753 👋


Me again! It's lovely to see you joining in conversations!  I just wanted to remind you that if you type "@" and then the username, this will tag the member that you're replying to. This ensures that they get a notification that you've replied to them specifically 🤗


I hope this helps to keep the conversation flowing, and if you've got any questions, just ask. Have a wonderful day! 🌼



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@Alicia753 Really appreciate the detail you provided in your message! This is great insight and I'm sure all of us with pools found your reply valuable! Can you share some examples of the addendum and even house rules you are currently using? This would be a great resource for all of us with Pools. Many Thanks!

Level 10
Buckeye, AZ


Just was on the Arizona news this week.  In an Airbnb rental a 7 year old guest was found in the pool and rushed to the hospital.  Especially in Arizona for private residence pools there arfe many accidental drownings.  Our state laws actually have certain mandates if renting a house with a pool to someone with minors because so many accidents to prevent accidents like if no pool fence then patio doors require a special higher lock be installed so a small child can't just open


Level 4
New York, NY

Hi @Randy730 ,


Yes it's worth having guests E-sign a waiver.  I have a pool and have not set this up yet.

I did  place a waiver into the rules section of my listing. I was told by Airbnb that anything within that particular section is legally binding, I have not verified that with a lawyer yet. 

A waiver and release is also shown in the house description section, and is printed in my homes handbook. I had guests book time before I could implement a way for them to sign a waiver, I'm looking into if I can ask them to do it after booking.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi there @Jonathan2534 👋


It's lovely to see you joining in conversations on the Community Center! I just wanted to pop by and share that if you type "@" and then the username, this will tag the member that you're replying to. This ensures that they get a notification that you've replied to them specifically 🤗


I hope this helps to keep the conversation flowing, and if you've got any questions, just ask. Have a wonderful day! 🌼



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Thanks @Jonathan2534  for taking the time to reply. Great guidance and much appreciated. Did you set up your rental in an LLC? I am looking into this as well.



One other thing. Can you share a copy of the liability addendum you are planning to use for your property? This could be a great reference for those of us in the same boat. Many Thanks.