Why not? I have a guidebook for my listing in Jersey City. I add onto it as I discover new things in my neighborhood and I genuinely LOVE how diverse my part of the world is and how you can find food from any remote corner of the world and I get a kick out of putting that in my guidebook.
If someone is visiting Jersey City and stumbles upon my guidebook, I'm happy for them to see my recommendations. True, I do it for my guests' convenience, but a guidebook is not something that gets worn out by more people using it. To the contrary, I'm happy when more people see it. The mom and pop eateries I put on there get more business and that makes me happy. It doesn't actually take anything away from my guests. Also, they are pretty hard to find, even booked guests don't see it sometimes until I send them a link.
I think you shouldn't worry too much about who gets to see your guidebook, but that it reflects the things you love about your city.