Hello! I have a large house in Cleveland, Ohio that works as two separate and private living spaces with their own separate entrance (second floor guests use front door and first floor guests use back door) Both spaces have their own full bathroom and full kitchen. The spaces are fairly sound private as well. For about 5 years, I have been only airbnb-ing the second floor while my partner and I lived on the first floor. This worked out fine because we were onsite. We cleaned, we were the handy people and the landscapers. etc. NOW we are moving to NYC and are considering the idea of airbnb-ing both floors as two separate listings... I would like to open up a conversation about this and get perspectives on whether or not experienced hosts think this could be a good idea or a disaster.
The other thing I would love to get support on is finding the right cleaners and handy-people and landscapers and connecting with other hosts who have an airbnb in Cleveland but live in a different city and getting recommendations.
Thank You and looking forward to your replies!