Reporting two technical bugs

Level 1
Victoria, Canada

Reporting two technical bugs

Hello AirBnB staff, if you are reading this. 


I would like to let you know that:


- Your instructions for where to find the URL to synch a Google calendar with AirBnB are out-of-date.

- There seems to be a bug with pricing at the moment, where when you change the base price, it does not change on the calendar.


It would be helpful if there were a forum or email address to use for reporting bugs.


Thank you.




4 Replies 4
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@James-And-Jenn0  Air BNB technical team does not monitor this site.  Send a message via Twitter.  Most effective for such issues.

What's the twitter tech feed name?

Strange that you would omit this info. I have a bug report also. 


It pops up automatically as soon as you start typing Airbnb into the Twitter search bar, so I didn't think it was necessary.

Does anyone have another option. I tried @airbnbhelp on Twitter, no luck. 

It really seems that airbnb does not want people to help them with info on bugs. Here we are, doing their QA work for them.. You would think they would at least take the report.