Review listing

Level 2
Conway, AR

Review listing

If anyone would like to review my listing, I’m up for any and all advice. It is lake house and this is our slow season, any tips you give would be more than appreciated.

Sally Ann of Greers Ferry Lake

Shirley, AR


2 Replies 2



Hello Jennifer!


What a great house you have! Congratulations on your years of Hosting and excellent reviews!  


I took a look at your listing, it looks good, but I think you can add to it, giving potential guests a bit more details of your house.  


I have a few questions and suggestions: 


About The Area

Since I don't know the area, what is Sally Ann? Is it a lake?  You say it's a lake front home, is that correct? The house is on Sally Ann lake or Greers Ferry lake? But the lake access is a half mile away.. does that mean you need to go a half mile away to go swimming?  Maybe be clear about what kind of access is from the house in your description. And detail "Boat access is just x of a mile away from the house." 


Your Listing Title

I guess if you are only getting guest who know about the area, they will understand what Sally Ann is..  but others (like myself) might not know what you are talking about.  Is "Sally Ann" the "name" of your house.. "Sally Ann on Greers Ferry Lake".


If your title works for you, then keep what you have.. but I found it a bit confusing.  Again, I am not sure what Sally Ann is?  A type of food? Someone's niece? 


Maybe a title like "Beautiful Waterfront Family Home on Greers Ferry Lake"?  You want a title that really sells your listing, it's like the title to a good movie or book.



I think you have a good collection of photos, and as you know the number one thing that sells your listing, are your photos.  Photos are super important. 


I suggest taking some photos is the day so you can see the inside of the house during the day.  Is your living room two stories tall?? You can't tell this from the photos you have.  If it's really two stories, show it off!!  


You have lots of night photos in the Living Room.  But you should open the curtains, durning the day, and take some clear photos to let us see the house.  Day light photos really let a potential guest see your home. 


I also suggest taking more photos to really show the relationship of the house to the lake, and detail that in your listing description (more on that later).  If it's a lake front home, show us the lake from the home.  Go to the waters edge and take photos from the water to the house. Show us the path to the water.


I would add descriptions to all of your photos and re-order them.  Start wide shots of the house, then inside (day photos of living room), Bedrooms, Bathrooms, outside decks (day), BBQ, lake shots, night photos (a few), and then boat launch, and maps and things..


Your Listing Description

I too am an Airbnb Host, we host our home in Oaxaca, Mexico.  But my "day job" is as a Los Angeles based Television Director - Writer.  What I do is basically tell stories visually and with words.   I encourage Airbnb Hosts to be the "TV Director" of their own home... tell us your story, with photos of your house and a clear description of your property and the rooms of the house. Your Airbnb Listing is like a mini movie.


Since you have such a great place, and you have a lot to explain.. I would really spell it out.


 I suggest that you really detail and tell a potential guests about about the house in general, then the living space, the bed rooms, bathrooms, the kitchen, outdoor space, details of boat launching, give a list of distances to the boat launch, and restaurants, and nearby towns.   You have everything to make an amazing "cake",  just lay all of the ingredients out, so a potential guest really has a clear understanding / appreciation of  what your property has to offer.


I have written a Airbnb Community guide that helps Hosts make improvements to their listing... take a read, it might give you some ideas.  But as I always say to other Hosts, you have a wonderful home.... so tell us about it!  


The link is:


Again, what a beautiful family home you have!  I think if you add a bit to your listing you will even have more success in the next season and beyond!  


Wishing you the best for the Holidays and 2024!








Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Pontefract, United Kingdom

Welcome to the CC @Jennifer4281 🎉

It looks like @John7474 has really given some thorough advice here which is amazing 👏👏👏

Just wanted to let you know that I popped the link for your absolutely lovely Lakehouse into your post so that other Hosts on the Community can access it easily and take a look. 



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