I have a new listing that I just published but realized I was missing a few key factors for it. I decided to snooze the listing until I finished everything. I highly doubt it will take me more than a day to finish but I wanted to make sure that it doesn't affect my SEO once I turn the snooze off. Has anyone done this before or know how that works?
@Kaela82 A day will be fine. Every day you snooze just loses you a day when the algorithm promotes you so its a small price to pay to get the listing perfect. Also now you have published you will get more options to complete on things like amenities.
@Kaela82 A day will be fine. Every day you snooze just loses you a day when the algorithm promotes you so its a small price to pay to get the listing perfect. Also now you have published you will get more options to complete on things like amenities.