I have been a host for over 3 years - super host status, gue...
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I have been a host for over 3 years - super host status, guest favorite with 5* average review. It appears my views have inc...
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Isn't it weird that you cannot sort listing by price?
I think ir's very basic and this is the first site that I saw that doesn't have this option.
Of course other sorting options such as reviews, distance from request place etc could be nice but price is like I mention is basic.
What do you think?
Hey Airbnb - figure out how to sort by price dummies!
@Matt5403 Are you aware that you can filter out the most expensive and cheapest properties brought up by a search?
yes, are you aware that I cannot sort by price? one of the most basic functions of a site used to purchase travel?
I like to sort by price and scroll. Even if I filter my price range.
@Matt5403 Yes I was aware of that because you were very clear in your post that you wanted to sort by price. Ah well I guess you will have to live without doing so as Airbnb would lose a whole heap of control over its hosts if it allowed guests to do this.
@Matt5403 It is very much on purpose that it isn’t possible to sort by price. The system is build on algorithms. You can as mentioned below set a minimum and maximum and you will only see listings within your price range.
I don't care about the algos, I like sorting by price... until then I will continue to check vrbo always first. I spend a lot on travel.
I think this answer is ludicrous. Who on the user end (the payee) cares about freakin algos? I really like abnb but the one thing that irks me with this site is that I cannot sort by price, which is like basic. Its set up to maximize abnb's bottom line. Who is there for whom? Who pays the bills? Then make them freakin love using abnb and come back for more. This is one way to get them to check out other places. I dont get it. Imagine going to a site that sells houses, cars, airline tickets or whatever and not being able to sort by price. Unthinkable.
@Richard2967 You ask the question who cares about algos? And then you answer it yourself by saying it is to maximise Airbnb's bottom line.
The fact that Airbnb prefers algorithms to sorting by price suggests it is best for its bottom line. Now this will change if people like yourself move to other sites but until they do (and Airbnb starts losing revenue) then I doubt Airbnb will change what they are doing.
yes but thats before the cleaning fees and booking fees, so kind of a useless feature, lol--VRBO here i come!
Uhhhhhh, change the algorithms.
Obv it's not engineering but business reasons
This is why i stopped using Airbnb.
I prefer booking.com - easier plus they give you reward points
Agreed, a simple sort by total price drop-down like every other website already has would be nice.
Holy smokes, I had no idea this was a thing! I thought I was the dummy for not being able to figure out where the sort by price function was, and I honestly googled just to find a simple answer. It has now led me down this rabbit hole.
Got back no Airbnb after a nearly 6 year hiatus as I'll be traveling to a small town with nearly no presence of international hotel brands. Figured why not dust off my old Airbnb account? -- Now I know why I left in the first place...
I understand disabling the sort function is Airbnb's way of being able to exert control over what listings get preferable placements on search as they offer tiered pricing for hosts. But that speaks volumes about where Airbnb's priorities are; ramping up revenue from upselling to suppliers (hosts), while forsaking basic convenience for consumers (guests).
I’d also like to sort by distance, size, etc. it is ludicrous having to wade through dozens or even hundreds of listings and try to figure out where they are relative to where you want to be.