Hello Everyone! I just relisted my property a couple of week...
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Hello Everyone! I just relisted my property a couple of weeks ago after a lengthy remodel. I plan on renting monthly because...
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Please share your feedback, suggestions to get traction. I believe this is a fantastic location and has great potential, but hardly getting bookings.
Boa noite! Gostei muito do espaço. Bem dividido e limpo.
Eu investiria em descrições completas, de cada espaço e as possibilidades de descanso e diversão. Percebi que seu anúncio não tem.
Também coloque na capa a foto da casa do lago, pois à primeira vista, não traz o lago.
Good evening! I really liked the space. Well divided and clean.
I would invest in full descriptions of each space and the possibilities for relaxation and fun. I noticed that your advert doesn't have one.
Also, put a photo of the lake house on the cover, because at first glance it doesn't show the lake.
Google translation added by OCM
Definitely is a wonderful place!
I don’t know the price’s and the availability of houses in the same area… but for sure, i would post first the photos with the beautiful views and all the activities you can do and then… the cabin…
Regards! And hope for the best!
Thank you!
Hi Kapil, I saw your house and i think is amazing, but i don´t understand how can i help you? maybe, you need to improve your publicity of the space.
Thank you! What are some of the ways you advise publicizing it? I have been posting on FB groups..
Hello @Kapil39,
Welcome to the community, what a lovely listing you have! It must be particularly stunning during the fall season. How long ago have you published it? And what are some of the main activities that you think will interest guests in or around the lake?
I saw @Dapheely0, @Daniel13563, @Daniela2942 and @Denise1946 already gave you some advice (thank you everyone), and I wanted to tag here for you, so they will receive a notification of your message and can hopefully come back to share more insights. 😊
ciao Kapil, condivido a pieno quello già detto, la tua casa è fantastica, in un luogo magico. Forse la dovresti proporre come esperienza, per chi vuole trascorrere un periodo immerso nella natura, con la possibilità di ricaricarsi lontano dal caos di tutti i giorni. Potrebbe essere un luogo per fare yoga, meditazione o comunque attività per ritrovare l'equilibrio interiore
hi Kapil, I fully agree with what has already been said, your house is fantastic, in a magical place. Perhaps you should propose it as an experience, for those who want to spend a period immersed in nature, with the possibility of recharging themselves far from the chaos of everyday life. It could be a place to do yoga, meditation or otherwise activities to regain inner balance
Google translation added by OCM