Two months and nothing.

Level 2
Lion's Head, Canada

Two months and nothing.

Went on this spring and have been booked straight away solidly all summer and even bookings for next year.

Airbnb is obviously not working for my listing. I am just wondering why? It makes no difference to me and

I am glad to pay them their commission as they seem to be more aggressively advertising and its working.


Top Answer
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Airbnb tends to prioritise listings with more immediate availability. If you've.been booked up on solidly on other platforms as you mention that's why most likely you aren't getting bookings on Airbnb? @Tony1758 


you also don't have a profile photo or much information on your listing about your property, the local area etc. 

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1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Airbnb tends to prioritise listings with more immediate availability. If you've.been booked up on solidly on other platforms as you mention that's why most likely you aren't getting bookings on Airbnb? @Tony1758 


you also don't have a profile photo or much information on your listing about your property, the local area etc.