I have moved all of my locks to direct connection with airbn...
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I have moved all of my locks to direct connection with airbnb. I am now running into a problem attempting to connect a second...
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I am a super host and I’ve been doing this a long time with excellent reviews and I am Getting really frustrated with these constant text reminding me someone is coming and make sure I’m prepared for them and then reminding me again and then doing it again and then it coming in at like 6:30 in the morning. I am good with the dings that come in when someone books but I am not good with these constant reminders to make sure that I have given the person all this information is that my issue on my end where I can change the settings in my phone? Or is it something you can stop doing
@Vikki53 You can change your notification settings here: https://www.airbnb.com/account-settings/notifications
You cannot stop these stupid early morning SMS text remainders unless you also lose important texts about bookings
The only answer AirBnB have is turn sounds off the phone, so if guests need you overnight they get no response
Why would your guests be calling you during the night @Vikki53
Just put your phone on silent when you don't want to be disturbed.
@Helen3 , I have my phone programmed to Do Not Distrub from 9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.. I still get the messages but do not get the pings, dings..etc…
Airbnb guest(s) do call at night when there is an issue. I’ve had a couple of calls, after hours, that they accidentally locked the gate (entrance gate to unit). I’ve missed the calls due to my Do Not Disturb settings on my phone. Luckily, we are on site so if they are unable to reach me via phone, they come to our front door and ring doorbell. Doesn’t happen very often but it does happen.
I haven't had any guests contact me in the night in eight years of hosting but you're right it could happen @Ana2038
I am sorry to say., but you cannot stop these superfluous early morning reminders (your guest is arriving today) without stopping any important or emergency notifications from. Airbnb.
I’m here for this same issue! There is no reason for this and there is no reason for why we can’t change this! Super annoying. This is a dumb problem in 2024! The employee who programmed the system for this is trolling all of us.