What to do if your not getting any inquiries and you’re listing isn’t showing up in the search criteria?

Level 2
Vancouver, WA

What to do if your not getting any inquiries and you’re listing isn’t showing up in the search criteria?

When I look for my listing as a traveler, I can’t find it anywhere. I’ve been hosting since 2015 and I’ve never had no inquiries. I at least get during the slow months one or two I’ve gotten nothing.

1 Reply 1
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



I am not sure which of your listings you are referring to or if you mean all of them? I did a search for any week in February, eight guests in Vancouver, Washington. I didn't scroll through all the results, but I didn't see your listing on the first few pages. Then I went to map view and zoomed in a bit and your 'Like Home' listings did appear. So those are there but, yeah, the visibility isn't that great. Not sure what it used to be like though.


You'll see from other posts on this forum that many, many other hosts are experiencing the same as you. I think it's down to several factors, including the economy and Airbnb's recent changes to the search algorithm.


Have you had a look at your views under the Insights tab to see what's going on there? If you are getting views but no bookings, maybe there is another problem and there is something you could do to improve your listings. But, if you are getting no views, it's more likely to be an issue with visibility.